Just friends?

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Alice Fair had been best friends with hunter since she met him on the playground when she was 2. Growing up with a political leaders grandson is a little hectic. 16 years later they are still best friends. However a few things have been putting a dent in it. For instance hunters sister Natalie keeps persisting that the two date. Fans, Paparazzi and even family would love to see them date. But both hunter and Alice swear they have no feelings for each other. But when he walks by she feels immediate butterfly's. oh no

Alice's POV
" Nat where the hell did you put my hoodie?" I call down the stairs. I hear her laugh as she walks down the long marble floored hallway to my room. " I stole it and I'm not giving it back." I laughed. Typically Nat. " well I'm cold so can I wear one of yours?" She starts to say yes than stops. " actually why don't you ask hunter. You would look so cute in one of his hoodies!" My eyes roll to the back of my head. I weighed my options. I could either brush nat off and tell her whatever and freeze to death or I could ask hunter. I mean it's no big deal we've been best friends since we were two. Why does have to mean anything. Also I'm frickin cold. " well I guess I'll go ask him" It's now my turn to walk down the long hall. I'm starting to regret this. He's going to think this is weird. I thought no this is weird. It's going to look weird. Thoughts consume m mind until I'm outside his door. Hunter is 15 a year older than me. He's no more mature though. I knock three times. " Hey Alice what do I owe the pleasure?" He chuckles. I laugh a little bit I'm to nervous and over what asking for a hoodie. Ridiculous. " hunter nat won't give my hoodie back and she won't give me one and I need one cause I'm cold and for some reason I don't have more than one so" - he cuts me off. " here. It's not a big deal al." I smile grateful he understands. " so what do you wanna do today?" I ask lightning the awkward mood. "Actually you me and nat are going to the mall today to get our outfits picked out." I nod my head but I'm confused. " um outfits for what again?" " the ball for my grandpa silly" my cheeks flush. Why are they doing that? " are you sure your ok al?" " mhm thanks for the hoodie!" I say as I walk away. " we leave at 11!" He calls after me. I check my phone. 10:30. Just enough time to do makeup and fix my hair. Nat was still sitting on my bed when I got back. " see you look cute" I rolled my eyes hard. " you could've just given me one of yours" I shoot back. " yeah but you probably just made his day" " what do you mean?" At this pint she's just provoking me. " sis he likes you." My eyes shoot open. " no he doesn't." A laugh erupts from her. " yes he does actually he doesn't just like you he obviously loves you and you feel the same way. Your both in major denial." I shake my head. What denial? I didn't like him. Just because I get butterflies when he walks in a room and my heart melts when he smiles doesn't mean I like him that way. " girl the way he looks at you. It's not even funny! The tension between you two is mad. I mean it's almost like you constantly want to kiss each other." " what do you mean?" I sigh. " I mean whenever you two are sitting next to each other or anything  you look at each other like all you want to do is make out." I gag. " revolting I would never." She smiles mischievously. " give it a month and you'll both realize. And to speed the process along a bit I'm not coming to the mall with you today. You two will have a romantic day together and maybe he'll even ask you to the ball." I gag for the second time. " why would he do that?" She sighed  as if the answer was obvious. " he loves you that's simple. As more than a friend. You are just in love and you don't know cause you've always been in love." " whatever" rolling my eyes I finish my makeup look and get dressed. Nat hasn't moved. She's scrolling through TikTok leaving me to think about what she said. I don't love him that would be crazy. Sure I just crave a little cuddle from him sometimes and maybe just a little hug once in a while but that means absolutely nothing. That's just what friends do. I stand up to leave and as I walk through the door nat says. " I know you think I'm crazy but I want you to actually think about what I'm saying okay? I get it but it's easy for everyone to tell your in love. Even our mom knows it." How the hell would she even k ow that? I feel like asking but I leave it. Hunters ready to go. Nat comes to the front door to tell net that she's not going. He seemed a little surprised but dropped when she said it was girl stuff which made us both laugh. " ok bye love birds" she called. I spun on my heel. " shut up Natalie!" " you'll both realize one day!" She called as the heavy doors slammed shut. God I hoped hunter didn't hear any of that. So embarrassing. We got in an SS car. ( secret service ). They put up the divider. The cozy leather seat was warm. It had been heated especially for me by special request. Even though it's the middle of summer I still love it. Hunter seemed oddly quiet however I decided not to poke at him.
what the hell did nat say?! We're they talking about me earlier? Dos Alice like me? I internally freak out the whole way there. Would it be bad if she did? I mean nat pressures us a lot even my mom but it just doesn't feel right. I'm not in love..... right?
we arrive at the mall and go to a dress store first for me. The ball didn't have a theme so I decided to just pick out any dresses I liked and try them on. I picked out a few. ( I'm not showing any so it's a surprise on the day of.) one after the other I tried them on. Once I got to the last one I felt a little insecure. The back was a little bit open and some of my bones were showing. I was a fairly thin person especially the fact the I was recovering from an eating disorder. 5,4 and thin as I am I'm a very petit person. Some find it cute while people like me find it embarrassing. I slowley came out. Hunters eyes bulged. " I know it's awful.." I laugh awkwardly. "Awful? You look so beautiful." Did he just call me beautiful? " hunter it's just the back I mean"- I break of crying a little. I try to stop it I don't want tears ruining my makeup. Also I don't like hunter seeing me cry. " I-I don't look good anymore hunter I did this to myself." He stays silent but gets up and hugs be tight before backing away and wiping my tear with his thumb. " al you are gorgeous. Those days are behind us. I don't want to hear you talk about weight and what not cause it's not important. And if I ever catch you skipping a meal again I swear to god." I giggle and rest my head on his shoulder. " don't worry I'm to hungry to do that anymore." He doesn't laugh. I've used that excuse before. " Alice your still recovering and even if this was your final stage you look amazing you don't need to change for anyone. Okay? In fact you should get this dress cause I'm going to get a suit that matches it." Hold on marching suit? Are we going together? He blushes as if he has over stepped boundaries. I could kiss him right now...what the hell am I thinking. " um yeah we should go get your suit. And I'll get the dress." He nodded. We both walked in silence deep in thought. We were almost home when a young fan came up asking for a picture. I assumed she meant  with just hunter but she called me into the picture as well. " thank you so much you guys are the cutest couple by the way!" Stunned we kept walking. " why does everyone think we're dating?" He chuckled. I laughed along but we both k ee it was awkward. Hunter found a suit and we headed home the ball was tonight and I wanted to get ready earlier than nessicary. The minute I walked in my room nat came rushing in. " so did you guys kiss?" " no nat we didn't. I don't think we ever will." She mumbled " not with that attitude you won't." I showed her my dress. I was starting to feel more confident in it now that hunter had approved. No more breakdowns today I told myself. I decided not to share the story of the little girl who wanted a picture. By 6pm I was ready for the ball. I had 15 minutes for touch ups. I heard a knock on my door. I jumped slightly. " come in!" I called. In walked hunter in an all black suit looking hot. His fluffy brown hair perfectly styled. I was into it. I had been thinking about it and maybe nat was right maybe I did love him.  Just a little?
Damn she looked cute. I never properly asked her to go with me. " hey umm do you want to go to the ball together? As friends of course." I added. " of course hunter I would love that" phew what if she had said no. All I really want to do is kiss her. I mean that would be crazy though. I didn't feel that way yesterday or did I just not know it. Nat is putting thoughts in our head and she's gonna ruin our friendship. She ran up to me and hugged me tight. " ready?" I asked. She nodded
he officially asked me. This is amazing. In our way to the ballroom we came across nat and her friend. " soooo are you guys going together?" Nat asked sheepishly. " um yeah we're going as friends" I responded trying to sound cheerful. They sped of into the ball room. I knelt to fix my shoe before we went in but when I stood up hunter was smack in front of me looking at me. We were right against each other. I was to stunned to move. Was it an accident? He looked at me different than all the other times. Maybe this is what nat was talking about before with all the staring. We were leaning in or lips grazed each other but we heard a door close in the distance and hallies heels clacking in the floor. " there you two are. You look so cute. Why are you just standing here go in!" She gives us a little nudge. Both hunter and I walked in calmly even though I knew that both our minds were anything but calm. We're we going to kiss? We danced a bit. I occasionally caught him staring into my eyes which was awkward as hell so I ignored it. Just as the song was ending he pulled me closer. I allowed it but all I really wanted to do was kiss him. I couldn't do this anymore. I can't pretend I don't like him. I didn't even for gods sake until this morning but maybe nat was right and I had felt this way all along. There had definitely been sogns. Whenever he looked at me I got butterflies. His smile lit up my heart and when he laughed my world melted. God I was in love with this boy but I was to scared to ruin the friendship. I ran. I tried walk out calmly and not be dramatic but it was hard. If I kept dancing with him I may explode. The hallway was deserted no one was around. Everyone was either dancing or in there rooms. A minute went by before I hear 2 sets of footsteps and voices. I saw nat and hunter round the corner. " heyyy what's wrong what happend?" Hunter asked calmly. Nat rolled her eyes. " your so stupid don't you see what's wrong?" He shook his head. " I'm gonna say it one more time and that's it. You to are in love. Have been since day one. I'm 16 and your 14 and 15 I can tell when someone's in love. I watched it happen and for some good forsaken reason you to can't admit or don't realize it. Because you've loved each other your entire life's you don't understand what it's like not being in love so I get to sit here everyday and watch you two almost kiss and then get scared so for fucks  sake if I come back out here and you two haven't kissed or said what you need to I'm gonna shoot somebody!" Which that she stormed off. Embarrassed I stood up and tried to follow her but I hand grabbed my waist. I was quietly pushed against the wall not a word was spoken. He stared at me for a moment. I tried to run again but he pushed me harder this time one hand on my waist. " what are you doing?" I asked in nearly a whisper. I lifted my chin to look up at him. " is this what you want love?" I stayed silent of course it was but did he just call me love? " is this what you want Alice?" I nodded slowley heart pounding. He ever so slowly lifted my chin up. Without a word he bent down and layer a soft but harsh his on my lips. He never let go not once. All I had fantized about was coming true. We pulled away but he didn't let me go. " Alice nat is right and we both know it. But it's up to you what we do about it." This was what I wanted. I wanted him to live me always. " hunter you know I love you right?" He grinned. He leaned in again so that our lips were nearly touching than he whispered. "I love you to" before kissing me again. The kiss lasted longer this time. When we finally pulled apart I jumped into his arms. He just held me tight. I don't think I could've been happier

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