"im still alive b!tches"

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⚠️written blood/death⚠️
y/n black pov:
"you killed him." i looked up from leo's body up to mattheo. he was shocked, well that's what it looked like. i look over towards draco and even he was crying.

we sat there in silence, leo's blood was coming down to his leg pants.

"look, i'm sorry but he got in my way." he finally spoke up after 5 minutes. there was no care in his eyes, he could care less about this. he was a heartless freak.

we sat there in cold silence until draco said something "can i check leo's heart rate?" heart rate? he's dead. there can't be any heart beat.. i gave him a confused look but just nodded. he rushed over towards leo's body and held up his wrist, pressing on it trying to find something.

"he's still alive, however if we keep waiting here and not treat this wound quickly he will die." my eyes widen once i heard that, he's still alive! thank goodness.

"when did you became a doctor?" i asked him, he just chuckled a little. "dealing with thousands of wounds a day it comes in handy." i just nodded my head in response.

"hold on a minute, i'm sure we don't need leonardo being alive." i shot daggers through my eyes looking up at him. he doesn't need him alive but i do, he's the only thing i have left.

"you're just a heartless freak, of course you wouldn't want him alive. one more person you wouldn't have to deal with." i spoke a calm tone, knowing it would piss him off even more. in this moment i don't understand how i can keep calm when my friend is dying slowly in front of me.

"exactly, i don't want him alive. he just causes more problems." he leaned all of his weight on his right side of his body. he folded his arms like a pouty child wanting a cookie.

"you're the person who's causing all of the problems, who knows how many people you've killed in a whole month." i could tell he didn't know how to respond back to that one.

"53." he responded calmly. i guess i thought to soon. he seemed so proud of 53 kills, i don't understand why he would want to kill someone. there's other ways to solve issues.

"you're a bitch." i harshly said.

"you're a cunt." he added.


"no ass bitch." has he seen this ass?

"small penis boy." he raised an eyebrow once i said that.

"stop fighting, we have a life on the line people-" draco got cut off from me and mattheo. "shut up daddy issues kid!" we both spoke at the same time.

draco was mumbling something under his breath, i couldn't hear what he was saying. "you guys act like kids." that was the only word both me and mattheo heard.

"i'm just wasting time so leo can die." a smirked formed on his face. soon i will ruin his pretty boy face if he doesn't keep his mouth shut.

i folded my arm, draco pinched the bridge of his nose out of frustration. mattheo was in deep thoughts about this.

"i'm going to take leo to the nursery." draco spoke, finally not getting a rude comment from both of us. mattheo was chewing on the inside of his cheek, you could tell by the movements. "fine, but y/n you're coming with me." i was going to say something but he beat me to it. "or, we could just let leo to die, i could careless. it's your choice." i nodded in defeat.

god was he difficult. draco picked up leo off of the ground and started his way to the adventure, before he left mattheo pulled him aside. i couldn't hear what they were saying.

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