new school year (both of their's POV)

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(at school)

miu walked through the halls to her locker. she opened it up and grabbed her stuff for forst period. and closed it. miu started walking to her first period class. miu sighs and then finds a seat in the back of the classroom. sitting in back reduced the amount of people that would stare at her. miu liked people staring noat her but when men stared at her it made her uncomfortable.

(miu's POV now)

i stared at my desk. i was nervous. then suddenly i feel a tap on my shoulder. i look up quickly. "hm?" as soon as i look i see the lady that worked at the flower shop. my heart started beating so fast. "hey arent you the girl from the flower shop?" She says smiling so wide. "yes i am indeed!" I say less nervous knowing she goes to school with me. "Thats good to hear! May i sit next to you?" "Of course!" I reply quickly. She sits down right next to me. I feel my cheeks heat up. My fave was probably so red. She was wearing this skirt and the school uniform. Her hair was beautifuly held up by this cute hair pin with music notes on it. I smile at her and she smiles back. Class started and i was listening to the teacher. I had ny hand hanging of the edge of desk and  my legs crossed. I started chewing my pen as i was listening.

(Kaede's POV)

I was staring at the girl she was so hot it was unbelievable. I was contemplating asking her name. She looked so pretty with the school uniform on. I didnt realize the teacher had called on me until she looked at me with her pen in her mouth. She quickly took it out of mouth. "uh are you uhm gonnna go up-?" I realizedo mk what she meant and quickly got up and went up. I did the question and sat back down, embarassed. I sat for a second thinking. "Should i ask to hangout later today-? Or is that to early...i mean i dont even know her name yet " i got an idea and ripped a piece of my paper. I wrote "hey, im kaede what's your name? :)" I take a deep breath and quickly hand it too her. She read it smiling and wrote down something and handed the note back to me. "hi,my names miu btw your really pretty" I look up at her. She was staring at me again looking like she could start drooling. I smile. Then i write. "thank you so much! you look really really cute in that unifirm <3" Without thinking i give her the note. Her face turned bright red as she read the note. She gave me it back after she wrote something again. "Do you wanna meet me at locker 22 during next period? :)"  I got so excited. I quickly took my pen and wrote "Yes!" And hand the note back to her. I smile and miu smiled back.

miu x kaede :]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora