Did I kiss him back? I can’t remember. It was more than a week ago but it felt like it just happened last night. It was still driving my heart wild.

We were almost at school and I noticed students around us are staring and whispering. And I can’t help but feel like they were staring at us. I don’t want to be paranoid or anything so I just ignored it and tightened my hold on my boyfriend’s hand. He looked at me and smiled as he rubbed his thumb over my knuckles.

I was really happy now that we go to the same school but the general studies department is a block far. I know it’s not that far but still it’s not that close either. And the thing that makes me more upset is that, I can’t even go there even if I want to ‘ugh! RULES! Sometimes I REALLY hate it’. Well, I guess they didn’t separate the two departments just for students to come and go as they please.

“Hyung. Hyung!” someone from behind was shouting. We turned around and saw Daesung.

He looked at me with a wide smile on his face then his eyes dropped to our intertwined hands. I looked away and started to blush.

Daesung walked towards us and tap Seunghyun oppa’s back. They were talking but I couldn’t really hear what they were saying.  I was just too busy being embarrass, don’t get me wrong I love that he is holding my hand but everything feel so new to me.

When we arrived at the gates separating our departments we said our goodbyes and he kissed my forehead. I glance at Daesung looking at us and I can’t help but blush again.

I walked in my first class and was greeted mostly with cold stares. I avoided their stares and just looked for a seat. A bunch of girls were whispering, well more like talking cause I can hear every single word they said. I just pretended that I couldn’t hear them.

“That’s her isn’t it?”

“What the?! Isn’t she the girl with Seunghyun?”

“She’s such a slut!”

“She’s not even that pretty.”

I realized that they were talking about me when I heard them say oppa’s name. What was wrong with them? And how was I a slut? It was just the first day of school and there are already people that hate me? I don’t even have friends to start with. And I don’t even know any of them.  I wanted to run away but then someone shouted from the door.

“K!” his voice was cheerful.

I immediately knew who it was I didn’t need to look at him to know. And I knew it was me he was calling. I turned to him relived knowing that I at least knew someone in this class. The last time I saw him was almost two months ago and I felt so guilty leaving him like that. I wanted to contact him but then I realized I don’t know anything about him.

“Hi there!” I said as he pulled a chair and sat beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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