Untitled Part 1

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Killing Love

By: Adam B. Reid


The building stood out against the night sky with bright light shining in every window. This was the address written on an index card and taped to my bedroom window. I was being offered a job and I was preparing to accept it. This is the place where I am to find the job is. Sure I was bit freaked out by the thought of someone knowing exactly where I live and what room I'm in, but it's a job offer and I'll take my chances.

Inside on the main floor was a man behind a counter. He looked up as I came in and offered me a key. "It's for your room, Mr. Maims. Room 203. Second floor and third door on your right from the elevator." Taking the keys and turning around, I started for the red doors that would begin my ascent to the next floor. "One last thing, Mr. Maims," the young man called. "Be very careful in your decision making. You may be told something you don't like."

I pondered in my mind what he had just told me. Decision making? Surely he meant taking the job? But what did he mean by that last part? It's just a job. What wouldn't I like? I work and then I get paid. Simple as that. It isn't like I'm gonna have to kill someone. I'm not an assassin!

I got to my room and was surprised by how big it was. It was more of an apartment than anything else. The place consisted of a kitchen, living area, bathroom, and two bedrooms. When I got to the largest of the two rooms, I found a dark blue blazer and a pair of slacks on the bed. Upon closer examination, I came to discover it was a school uniform for a place about an hour north. What confused me was the fact that it was in my size and fit me perfectly when I tried it on.

There was a knock at the door and I froze. I came here on my own in the middle of the night. Surely I wasn't followed. Was I? Still wearing the uniform I opened the door and was relieved to see that it was the guy from earlier. "Can I help you," I asked. He smiled, handed me an envelope and left.

Inside were several high school transcripts with different names on each one along with another several birth certificates and new I.D.s. Attached to one of the I.D.s was a note. I was told that these were mine and to put them in a safe and hidden place. I was told to never use them and to never let anyone see them all out together at the same time. I was also told to show up at a breakfast diner two blocks down the street at precisely nine o'clock the next morning.

I was beginning to get worried. I was led to a hotel, given a nice room, and a school uniform for a place I don't attend. And then I was told to go to a restaurant the next morning to learn what my next job will be.

I stripped out of the fancy uniform and tried out the new shower. Not surprisingly, the water sprayed out of the shower head with a lot of pressure and steam fogged up the mirror almost immediately. I stripped out of my new school uniform and stepped under the relaxing spray.

When my shower ended I grabbed a towel off the rack and tied it around myself while walking out into the living area. I was just about to take off the towel when I heard a meek "Hello". I spun around with my fists raised and looked open mouthed at my little sister.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" And then, "How did you you get here?"

"I followed you here. Why did you leave?"

My little sister followed me all the way here? How is she not tired? What am I going to do about her? Mom and Dad are going to be really worried when they find out their children aren't home in the morning. "Lina, you need to go back home. Come on."

She stood up and headed for the doorway. "The man who let me in was really nice to me," she mumbled. "I wish he was my brother and not you. You ruin all the fun." She opened the door and a man pushed his way past her into the room.

He looked around and then his eyes rested on me. I knew something wasn't right the second I saw him. He was buff with a ropelike tattoo traveling up his neck and a piercing in his nose. He walked towards me and I took a step back. He was really intimidating with a sly grin on his face. You could see the violence in his eyes and then he lunged at me.

Lina screamed and ran out of the room. "Rej," she screamed in the hall. "Rejy, a man is hurting my brother!"

Whoever Rej is, I hope he gets here soon. I sidestepped as the burly guy ran at me again and he stopped himself and spun back around. "You're better than we anticipated. Jent did good with recruiting you." He smiled and then jumped at me. Before I knew what was happening, I was flat on the ground with the wind knocked out of me. The guy's hands were around my neck and I couldn't breathe. I started seeing spots and then the grip released and the guy was three feet away from me.

"Tell Hex that if he sends another one of his men, he'll die by my bare hands." I couldn't see who was speaking because my vision was all fuzzy, but I'm going to assume it was Rej. Lina was hugging me with tears in her eyes and resting her head on my chest. My rescuer extended his hand to help me up, and I discovered it was the bellboy from earlier.

"I'm Rej," He said. "I'm supposed to be your trainer and I think we should start you as soon as possible. They always go after the newbies. Sometimes I just wish Jent would quit already." He smiled and Lina ran up and hugged him. He hugged her back and I knew this guy had to stay in our lives.

Lina looked at him and then at me and hugged Rej some more. "Thank you for saving my brother," she mumbled with her face shoved into his thigh. "Who was that guy? Why did he attack Zane? What did my brother do?"

I started to feel bad because she had all these questions and we didn't have answers for them. "I don't know why he attacked your brother,: he answered soothingly, "but we're going to find out, okay? In the meantime, let's get you back home and tucked in."

They started to leave the room but I stopped them. "Wait! I'm coming with you!"

"You should probably put some clothes on first," Rej said. "I mean, you aren't even in your towel anymore." He chuckled and ushered Lina out of the suite. "We'll be waiting in the lobby."

I felt so embarrassed. He seen me completely naked. And then, my sister saw me completely naked! Oh my God. I probably scarred her for life. I'm such a moron. But, I wonder what Rej thought...

After I dressed- I put on the new school uniform -I took the elevator down to the lobby and followed Rej and Lina outside to Rej's vehicle. He had a black SUV and I was jealous. It's the type of vehicle I've been wanting...

Rej got in the driver's seat and I slid into the passenger side, Lina climbed in the second row and squealed when we pulled out of the parking lot at fifty miles per hour. I decided that Rej knew what he was doing and so I wasn't worried about an accident. He saved my ass too,so I don't want to be a nuisance.

He pulled into my driveway and Lina and I hopped out. "Wait for me to come back out," I whispered to him before joining Lina at the door to the house. She smiled and I picked her up and carried her inside and up to her room.

"Now listen here," I said. "We're going to get you tucked in bed and I'll bring you Mr. Tiger to sleep with, okay?" She nodded and I smiled. I grabbed the stuffed toy of the shelf in her closet and tucked it next to her in the bed. "I'm going to leave with Rej, and I don't know what time I'll be back, okay? If Mom or Dad ask where I am, you say you don't know. Understood?" She nodded her head again and rolled over.

Outside, Rej was waiting for me on the porch swing. "You're a good brother to her," he said. "I wish my brother was that good to me. He stood up, walked to the big vehicle, and opened up my door. "Shall we?"


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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