•Chapter 3•

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"This isn't your street..."

~The next day~

You sat in your desk, waiting for more students and your homeroom teacher to arrive. You sighed, extremely bored. Typically by now, Mina would start to bother you. But for some reason, today she didn't. Maybe she finally realized that you didn't like to be bothered that much.

You buried your head into your arms, putting your head down.

This is going to be a long day.

~Time skip to lunch~

As you walked through the halls, on your way to the cafeteria.

"Hey, wait up!" A familiar voice shouted. You turned around, to face Mina Ashido. "Oh, hey Ashido." You waved. "Hey (y/n)! I was hoping I could sit with you at lunch today!" Mina beamed, catching up to you. "Uhm, sure?" You answered.

(Y/n)? We aren't on a first name basis yet.

"Ok, great!" She grinned, following you.

She's being a lot more hyper than usual. She typically is outgoing, but this much? This isn't like her. She didn't even call me by my last name, which is what she usually calls me.

The two of you walked to the cafeteria, getting your lunches. You found a table to sit at, and Mina sat across from you.

"So (y/n), are you walking home with me today?" The pink alien asked. "I was going to walk home with Ochaco today." You replied, taking a bite of (f/f). "Could you please walk home with me today?" She begged.

"Sure, I guess?" You tilted your head. "Alrighty!" Mina grinned.

She was acting strange.

After about 30 minutes, the bell rang. "Ah, class is starting! I'll see ya later, cutie!" She chuckled, getting up.

Cutie? She never flirts with me.

You got up, and made your way to class.

~Time skip to the end of the day~

You stood up from your desk, and grabbed your bag. "Hey (y/n)! Are you ready to go?" Mina's voice beamed from behind you. You turned around to face her, nodding your head. "Mhm." You answered.

You both walked through the streets, talking. Well, it was mostly Mina talking.

"Oh, I have to turn now! I'll see you tomorrow, (y/n)!" She smiled, turning a different route.

"Wait." You mumbled, grabbing her arm. "This isn't your street." You pointed out. Mina looked as if she was busted. "Oh, well I needed to get groceries!" She nervously smiled. You looked her up and down, debating whether or not you should believe her.

"Okay, I believe you." You sighed, letting go of her arm. She waved goodbye, and walked away. You continued to walk home, extremely tired.

~Time skip~

As you walked through the front door, you immediately went over to your mother.

"Hey mom, can you call Mina's mother and ask if Mina is alright? She has been acting strange today, and I want to make sure she's okay." You asked. Your mom nodded her head, grabbing her phone. You made your way over to the kitchen, and plopped yourself onto a stool.

After a couple minutes of waiting for your mom, she finally got off the phone and walked over to you. "So, is she okay?" You questioned. "She's sick." You mother replied. "Hm, what do you mean? When she was at school today, she seemed perfectly fine." You tilted your head.

"Um, about that-"

"What do you mean, about that?" You asked, confused and worried.

"Sweetie, Mina didn't go to school today."

A/n: sorry for the cliff hanger, and sorry for the short chapter! Though I hoped you enjoyed it.

-Jynx <3

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