the first day back to the Jam and Roller

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Luna's P.O.V I wake up go outside my room to the dining room and say good morning to Ambar and aunt Sharon and my parents Ambar you ready for the new year of the Jam and Roller I ask her. She says of course Luna but she says I have a feeling there is gonna a lot of drama I agree I say but are still okay with me dating Matteo because you two used to be together  yeah it's fine Luna. There's a knock at the door Matteo and the girls are here  but I am dreading dealing Jim and Yam because of how they were last year. It's fine and Delfi have asked Pedro out yet because we all know you like him yeah but anymore she says because of how he treated you last year. I feel like there is gonna be a new person to the roller this year  I also feel like there gonna be all buddy buddy with Nico and Pedro we have get there before they let's go now.  Nina how are you and Gaston  doing better than ever she says. We should all get lockers by each other and I am excited to see Ramiro I heard him and yam broke up because he wants to hang with us he is a gonna meet us the roller Matteo says. Let's hurry at the roller coast is clear of Nico and Pedro and the others  look who got here before us Emilia and Benicio  hi guys  did you see them when you came in no Emilia says which is seriously odd A/N Emilia and Benicio are nice in this story and dating too how are you too better than ever they say let's get our lockers before they get here here's the perfect area. Let's put are skates on  and go skate  we see a person we do not recognize  walk in to the locker area then we see them. Great another not nice person to deal with then Nina says I will get my mom involved if they do anything let's go skate I say. We make it out of there before they could do anything mean  I am relieved  because of that guy's I say we should create a band  there all like yes we totally should let's meet at Ambar and I's house tonight I hear voices behind us. It's them I whisper to the others they say yes then yam glares at Ramiro and says how could you join  their group of friends he then says because I got sick of being mean. Any way what were you guys talking about  none of your business I say.  Guys let's go to the park I say to my friends and talk about what we were talking about  at the park it is gonna be bad already. I have a feeling  and that new kid does not seem nice everyone agrees I just got a text Juliana  wants us back at the roller to practice for the river live fest that's gonna be fun but dreadful with the other group we go back to the roller and Juliana  announces and there will be a couples duet and of course not surprised jim thinks it's gonna be her and Nico  then she announces the names it is me and Matteo  Then a girls duet it went to me and Ambar and then I am the soloist Jim and Yam are not very happy neither are Nico and Pedro  then I say we have an announcement to make too Ambar, Jazmin, Delfi,Gaston,Nina, Ramiro, Emilia,Benicio, Matteo and I are creating a band and we have a song we want to sing at river live fest can get us in the lineup please Juliana we already practiced it our band is called the unstoppables so will you Juliana okay she says the roller band and Jim yam will performing in the lineup too. That is fine I say we already practiced the choreo too over and over and perfected it. Then the new kid finally comes over he is wearing all leather so he thinks he is a bad boy. Another one he tries flirting with Ambar  then he tries flirting with me oh no  Matteo is not having any of that he starts pushing him. Benicio gets into it too  then Benicio recognizes him. Simon great wait Benicio you him I ask unfortunately yes he says we worked together at foodger wheels back in Cancun and he always got me into trouble  then he tries flirting with Emilia that made Benicio angrier do not talk to me or my friends again or my girlfriend again Simon great  and he is on our team now this is gonna be great  he tried asking Ambar out and she said no and he got mad  I look over at everyone  and motion to exit the rink  we walk back to the mansion and do practice for the band aunt Sharon see me upset and asks whats wrong  I tell her she says oh tell me if he does anything  I say okay we are going to practice now I tell her. I know what boys band is singing I say a song called Linda and Jim and Yam are singing honey funny so are we doing footloose as a band or I've got a feeling  for my solo I am doing Soy Yo Matteo and I are doing Qudate Ambar what song do you wanna do Catch me if you can okay we got the songs planned out but not our band song yet we are doing Modo Amar for full group for our band lets do footloose. The next day we all meet at the house before going to the Roller this a new thing now with all that happened last year guys when is the next open  because I got an idea it should be trios  do you guys like the idea. Okay lets head out  before they get there at the Jam and Roller  we get in before them which is weird  we get to the lockers and hurry and put on our skates and get to the  rink before they get here on the rink Juliana wants to talk to us looks like she has good news she all performances  in the river live fest  where are the others I wonder I asks my friends Then they come in and we start skating the someone trips me  great I look up at who it is it was Simon  Matteo skates over and helps me up while the others in Simon's group are laughing Benicio and others in my group skate over  to see if I am okay the Benicio and Matteo skate over to Simon  and start punching him great there is gonna be  a fight and Juliana is not here the others glare at Simon's friends  Matteo is ticked off about it but Benicio is extra ticked off because of what he told Simon the other day Emilia and I try to break up the fight  then Juliana comes back  she sees whats going and asks me me how all of this started well I said  I was just skating and practicing and Simon tripped and I feel Matteo skated right over to help up then the others in my friend group skated over after Benicio did but off ciurse Simon throws a punch at Benicio and ticks both of the boys off even more. Then two them throw Simon up against the wall and start punching him then throws more punches and pushes them  is that it she asks almost I say  that when Emilia and I tried to break it up then after a few minutes you came in. It is over now  boys get out here Juliana  yells is it true what Luna told me they shake there heads yes you did that to stick up for your team mate okay that's fine you two did not start it  so you guys can come back in to the rink but Simon she says to him your in big trouble the boys walk in  how did it go the others asked  It went just fine they say but Simon is getting chewed out by Juliana right now for his behavior  Matteo says  and he  might not be able to even skate at river live fest  because this happened  Benicio says lets llisten in I say.  oh wow she is actually not letting Simon participate at all in River Live Fest Lets go back and Practice guys  his friends are glaring at us now I say lets just ignore it. We go back to practicing  and then head to the lockers after and hurry to get out of the roller lets hurry and get to the house the others do not where Ambar and I live I say to my friends. Lets go tell Sharon what happened  I tell Sharon what happened she tells me she will go to the roller tomorrow  and then I tell her that Simon got chewed out but Juliana  and now he is not allowed to perform in the river live fest  and he will not be able to skate for awhile but  the boys will be able to skate  luckily they did not get in trouble because they were sticking up for me.  Then Sharon asks mine and Amabr's friends if they wanna stay  for dinner they say of course We are going to practice our songs for river live fest she says okay  so what did yall think about what happened today so we are all still pretty mad about it but then I look at Matteo and Benicio they are still pretty ticked off about it. At least he got in big trouble for his behavior and Simon will not get skate for two months. 

Amabr's P.O.V It is the first day of the new skating season Luna is probably dreading it because of everything that happened to her with Jim,Yam,Pedro and Nico  I talked to them  and they said all their parents were arrested each one of them lost some one in their family Pedro lost four people  Yam was abandoned by her parents and then she was in and out of foster homes until she found the perfect but anyway that does not give them the right to treat Luna like that I did not change when Sharon got in big trouble with the police so I do not understand why they did but they should not be treat Luna like they because of what happened to them in the past  like seriously but anyway now I am going to see if Luna is awake  she is already downstairs as are the others  Luna and I ask how Emilia and Benicio's relationship has been going the just got together at the end the last season. Then we ask  Gaston and Nina the same thing the got together last skating season too. We asked Ramiro and Delfi how they are after the breakups they said said fine  and then I asked jazmin how it is going with Influencer that we do not his name she said it is going good then we all head out to the roller I go in first  to see if they are waiting to start stuff but they are not there weird the coast is clear guys lets run to the lockers I say then we see them in the locker room with a new boy he is in all black great another one of them we get to the rink before they do we talk about starting a band then and ask what we were talking about Luna says it is not any of your buisness what we are talking about then Juliana comes in then she tells us about the new boy  his name is  Simon  he is already  all buddy with the other  group  he tries flirting with Luna is not having it  then he tries it with Emilia benicio is mad  about it  then we start skating  someone trips Luna she falls but before she lands on the ground Matteo catches her then a fight breaks out then we announce the band this all after we went to the park  then juliana comes in and sees  Simon and Matteo get in trouble five minutes late matteo comes back he did not get in trouble but Simon did  he does not get to skate for two months  Luna told us and he is out of the  river live fest too   the couple and groups were announced whos performing  they did not get chosen for partner dances then I walk to to the locker room later and hear Simon on the phone Emilia right behind me and she knows who he is talking too the leader of the sliders we did all the practicing  for everything too  I video the phone convo I am going to show Juliana tomorrow. He  is gonna be in trouble  again  Emilia  says she regrets being on the sliders  such a controlling team she says she did not like the leader Max  he was a jerk so was the coach. Emilia call up the leader  of the sliders I tell her  and tell him we know  she says okay she calls him and says we know you sent Simon to spy on us you never change do you and you will not ever change  I REGRET EVER being on your team she  says you are also pathetic   you will be in major trouble with our coach she says. Emilia hangs up  and she says Max will regret this but anyway text the others on are personal group chat and tell them to meet us in the living room at your place  the other four will get to find out tomorrow  all of them will meet  us in the living room at the mansion  I show everyone the video  they are not happy  Juliana will not NOT be happy . The next day when we get to the roller I say Juliana I need to talk to you it is real important  so there is a video you will not like here I will show you I say she watches she is fuming  she chews Simon out  and says if you get kicked out of the sliders you are not coming back here  the other four  over heard their  faces were priceless,

Soy Luna An Alternate UniverseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon