Love that won the Fire

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Draupadi's pov

"Yuvraj, we have arrived" my sleep broke by the soldier, with the glassy unclear orbs I saw my eldest husband looking at me and glaring at him, the same expression followed by all the Pandavas, chuckling I crushed my eyes to get a clear view.

"Are you ok?" Asked the serene voice of Yudhisthir as I stopped rubbing my eyes and looking at him with a wide smile, he caressed my cheek with his thumb and helped me to stand up. In the corner of my eyes, I saw my other husbands getting down from their horses with their eyes stuck at me, protective husbands, hehehe...

"Take steady steps and come slowly, Panchi" I looked at my third husband who was looking alluring with his half bare chest, standing near the stairs of the chariot he commanded, nodding at him I proceeded down the stairs with arya Yudhisthira.

"Slowly, Draupadi. Come slowly!" Snapping my head I looked at my handsome husband Nakul, who was watching my every step intensely. Nodding my head I proceeded to the third stair of the chariot and was again stopped by my knowledgeable husband "you are coming so fast, Panchi. You should not walk this fastly while you are pregnant!" Taking a deep breath to calm down my anger I looked at him blankly.

"Enough! You walked a lot, let Bheem carry you" I turned my head and looked at my eldest husband who was staring at me and before I could proceed, I was in the strong arms of the world's best macer. "What is wrong with you all?! I didn't even walk for two seconds but you all are going on saying that I walked enough and I walk quickly?! Something is seriously wrong with you five!" Now no one could control me, bursting my anger at the five I turned and hid my head in my arya's neck with pouted lips.

All the five chuckled at me and my arya Arjun came and placed his hand on my shoulder, caressing my hair, while my arya Bheem kissed my forehead, but seriously now I am angry, not gonna listen to their advice!

"Little one, don't say like that! We are saying for your and our child's goodness" said aarya Sahadev, standing beside arya Bheem while he took my one hand in between his two palms with a serious face. What is so serious?

"And at least for the baby, don't refuse us, baby girl" came to toa requesting voice of Arjun from the other side, I glanced at him and in a quick swift I turned my head away from him.

"Draupadi, my dear, little baby-" I cut off my second husband yelling "I am not a baby!" With fake anger, groaning mentally, my husbands are always calling me a baby, for god's sake I am 21 years old. But though I love the way they pamper me.

"Now let me down!" I whined at Bheem, who fake glared at me and pulled me closer to him and pressed his lips to my cheeks. scarlet red tint spread in my cheeks but I hid it and protested them to leave me down.

"Yuvraj, Yuvrani and Rajkumars, the Palace is ready and we are very eager to welcome you all, so please come inside" I swiftly looked at the soldier, who was seeing all of us, I felt embarrassed and silently requested arya Bheem to leave me. After a lot of discussions, he finally made me stand on my feet.

Arya Yudhisthir wrapped his palm around mine protectively as the others surrounded me, I felt very proud to have them as my husbands, aarya Yudhisthir squeezed my palm assuringly and walked ahead with others following us. All the maids bowed their heads and showered flowers, welcoming us.

"In a few minutes food would be ready Yuvraj until then you all take a rest," said the cook and showed us the way to our chamber, nodding at him we all went towards that chamber. I looked down and found Arya Arjun's hand caressing my four months baby bump, I giggled slightly and pinched his fingers. 

I jumped when I felt him squeezing my waist, turning my head I glared at him. What irritated me the most was his innocent face, hitting him with my elbow I walked forward leaving all of them behind, with fake anger. "Krishnaa"

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