Learning | Axl 🌟

Start from the beginning

You both sat on the couch and you took a blank paper sheet to take notes. 

Axl was an amazing teacher! You laughed and learned a lot that day, making complete sentences was no longer so difficult to you and neither was writing them. 

"This will be our last exercise from today. I wrote you some sentences and you have to read 'em aloud without mistakes, alright, (Y/N)?" Axl said handing you the paper sheet. 

"Alright" you looked at the sentences and started reading. "Uhm... 'The dog is brown'" 


"'She is my best friend'... 'That house is red'... 'Axl Rose is the hottest- hey!" you laughed and playfully shoved him. He laughed with you. 

"You gotta read 'em all!" 

"Fine! 'Axl Rose is the hottest man on earth'! Happy?" you started laughing again. 

"Very satisfied" Axl said with a proud smile. "Now the last one" 

"It says... 'I am beautiful'" 

"Couldn't agree more" 

"What do you mean, Axl?" 

"You're very beautiful" he smirked. 

You blushed a ton. 


"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, (Y/N)... What do ya think about me?" 

"W-well... I must agree with the sentence that has your name on it" you winked. 

Now it was his turn to blush. After some seconds, Axl couldn't help but kiss you. You stayed in shock for a moment but kissed him back soon. 

While in the kitchen, Duff wondered why you both were so silent so he decided to take a look. Seeing Axl kissing his little sister wasn't what he expected at all, it made him so furious that he broke an empty bottle of Vodka on the counter. 

You guys startled from the noise and immediately broke the kiss. 

"Are you ok, Duff?" You asked concerned. 

"Yeah, but it's late and I think you should go, Axl" he said coming out from the kitchen. 

"But, Duff-" 

"I said he should go, (Y/N)" 

You sighed. 

"Don't worry, (Y/N), I'll see you tomorrow" he said getting up from the couch. "See ya!" he smiled at you, opened the door and came out. 

"I'll be right back" Duff said before going out and closing the door. 

He grabbed Axl by his shoulder and made him look at him

"What do you-"

"I DON'T want you near my sister again!"

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?!" 

"Me? What the hell is wrong with YOU?! I saw you kissing her!" 

"So? I like her and she likes me" 

"Listen, Axl, if I ever see you talking to her again, I'll leave the band!" 

"We have no problem on finding a new bassist!" 

"Oh, yeah? And if I tell (Y/N) that you were the one who kicked me out? She'll hate you forever" Duff smirked. 

"... Fine. I'll stay back"


"But you're dead to me" 

A week later, Duff still brought you to rehersals, but only beacuse he didn't want you to be alone. You noticed that the energy of the place wasn't the same as before. Axl stopped talking to you and even avoid making eye contact. You started to worry, did you do something wrong? Had he regretted kissing you? You really liked him and you thought he liked you back. You felt your eyes get watery. You covered your face with your hands and started to sob. 

When Duff noticed, he stopped playing, forcing everyone to do the same.

"(Y/N)?... Are you ok, sis?" He asked softly. 

You didn't want anyone to see you in that state so you ran out the room. Duff quickly followed you. Axl wanted to hug you so bad, but he knew he couldn't.

"(Y/N)? Are you here?" 

"Leave me alone!" you said, now crying. 

"What's the matter? Why are ya crying?"

"I just don't understand why Axl has avoided me all week! I miss him so much!" 

Duff immediately felt the guilt in his body.

"Uh...I told Axl to stay away from you..." he confessed. 


"I saw when you guys kissed and I couldn't take it, so I told him not to be near you again or else..." 

"Or else what, Michael?!" 

"... I would tell you that he kicked me out from the band" 

You opened your mouth to say something, but Duff gently put his hands on your shoulders. 

"I know you probably hate me right now, but please understand... You're my sister, my little sister, (Y/N), and I don't want anything to happen to you..." Duff said before hugging you. "You forgive me?" 

"Yes, Duff... What you did wasn't good, but I know you did it because you care about me" 

Suddenly, the door opened again, revealing Axl. 

"I'll let you guys alone" Duff smiled before entering to the studio. 

"(Y/N), please don't listen to Duff, I'd never kick him-" 

Axl felt a short but sweet kiss delivered on his lips. 

"He explained it all to me and everything's good now" you smiled. 

"Really? So... Can you be my girlfriend?"

You giggled at how his eyes sparkled when he asked that. 

"Yes, yes!" 

He cupped your face and kissed you, this week without him had been completely horrible. Same for him, this whole time felt like a nightmare.

After broking the kiss, Axl gave you the most beautiful smile. 

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me" 

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