Her dreams had become suddenly active, conjuring up memories of her old life or moments with him. Sometimes she'd dream of Helena, remembering her snorting laugh or motherly hug. However, that was the old Helena, a woman she hadn't seen in a very long time. Sometimes Charlie would appear, although rare. She missed him terribly, and often wished that Michael could have met the man who raised her. But, maybe it was well and good that he hadn't, given she was sleeping with the spawn of satan.

She chuckled at the thought, twirling around to make her way to the bathroom. She didn't know what to expect from her lover, so she made sure to go all out. She cleaned her body of grime, washing her curly hair as it bounced against the water. She slipped on a black dress, simple— yet eloquent. She was utterly tired of purple now.

She slipped diamond earrings into her ears, along with a tiny, matching necklace that was cool against her chest. She smiled at herself, taking pride in her charming appearance. She could hear the clanking of dinnerware and the argument's leaving Coco's voice from outside of her room, and she rolled her eyes lightly as she sat on the leather sofa. Why, dear god, of all people— did Michael have to save her? Hell, they were all basket cases. Well, minus Gallant. She liked him.

She had time to kill, so she pranced around the room with Little Women in her hands, trying to focus on the words rather than the night ahead of her. And it had worked for the most part, until she walked straight into the wall and nearly broke her nose. She was anxious and excited all at once, and before she knew it, she wound up in Gallant's room again, listening to him rant about his hatred for Evie and Coco.

"Listen, I get that I might have something to offer this "new world" or whatever, but why them?" Gallant whined, his hands playing with Ana's hair. "Nana is an old bitch who lies to make everyone envy her, and Coco is just an entitled skank. Out of all the people in the world, why them? Why not Carrie Underwood or Daniel Radcliffe?"

She smirked as he tugged on her air, looking behind her shoulder. "I didn't take you for country music."

He shrugged his shoulders with an annoyed sigh. "I'm not, but I like her hair. And Daniel..well, he's just hot. I always liked him in Harry Potter. Even wrote a gay fanfiction between him and Draco when I was in eighth grade!" He laughed, making Ana cringe with a smile.

"Jesus, Gallant. That's-"

"Amazing, I know." He smirked proudly.

"I wouldn't exact say that, but alright." She shook her head, resting her chin against her palms. "I always preferred the Twilight movies."

He scoffed behind her loudly, making her narrow her eyes. "Of course, you'd like Twilight. You've always had that depressing, emo vibe that you've given off. Sorta like Bella in New Moon."

"No, I don't." She defended, staring down at the floor.

The blonde laughed, working through her curls with a gentle ease. "Whatever, Bella. I never cared much for those movies, all Edward and her ever did was stare at each other."

Yeah, that was true. She had watched the movies many of times with her old friend, Jacky; whom she hadn't thought of in years. It should of saddened her, knowing she was now dead. That sweet, lovestruck, hopeless romantic with the butterfly clips in her hair. But it didn't, and she shook her head with a sigh. "Well, I think it's romantic. Sometimes it's hard to come up with anything to say when someone...so beautiful is in front of you. It takes your breath away." She smiled lightly to herself, no longer thinking of the vampire boy, rather her evil boy.

"Fuck, you're whipped, Anastasia." Gallant breathed, letting go of her hair as he moved toward the end of the couch. "You sound like a damn Hallmark card." He propped his feet up on her lap.

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