Chapter four:

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Hello there! I again will post some chapters but my storage of prewrited chapters are shortening fast...(enjoy story and some meme up there.)


Clint was now working from hone because he didn't have much reasons to went to his office when he was only filling his paperwork and for today he stopped finding some clues for Luna Youngman's disappearence. He was not in a good mood about it and therefore he grabbed his jacket and keys, start the car and went to store to bought some food. "I should go to the mall because they have everything what I need to buy." It was about 2 hours and I already had 3 full bags of food and God, my hands were burning from that weight...

Tanner pov:

It was 9 am. and I was wondering, if I need something to do today. "Oh I know! I need to pick up package from post office." Only some chemic stuff, so I drived all the way to the mall because they said that chemical stuff don't ship to the adress because some 'safety'. Now I was in the mall and thinking,  if I need something else I remebered nothing but in my head I thougt, I needed something so I went through the mall.

"Why is this mall so big!...I don't like spending my precious time like that." Before Tanner left the mall he stopped in front of the clothes shop. "I should reward myself how hard I'm working." Few minutes passed and in corner of my eye I saw blond almost white hair which caught my attention. "What was that?" I got closer to that person and wave of joy enveloped my head. "I'm lucky but that much lucky! I haven't experienced that yet." It was Clint but he was unaware after while that I'm wathing him. From his body language he was tired and uptight, but Tanner didn't care care about it, he was exited that he found him so quickly and he was stalking him about an another hour.

Clint was heading to his car but he stopped few metres from his car and look around, I was suprised that he knew something was wrong but before he could see me I hid in my own car, he stopped looking around and get in his own car and  drove home, problably. Before Clint could disappear from my vision I began to pursue him but I wasn't too close to him to notice me, if I was too close I would scare him and we wouldn't want it. 30 minutes passed and he stopped in small street and went out of the car with 3 bags in his hands, then he went in the house. Tanner laughed and also went home to call Adam.

Clint pov:

After 2 hours in the mall I began to suspect that someone was watching me but I didn't know who, the person who way watching me was like a ghost so I tryed to ignore it. 3 hours and I was ready to drove home but when I was few metres away from my car I said in my mind. "3..2..1..Now!" I quickly turned to see who's watching me but nobody was there so I turned back to my car and drove home, I was too tired to pay attention, if anyone is stalking me or not and the suspicion fell off me as soon as I got in the car at the parking lot. I opened the door of my house and started unpacking things from the bags. "When I'm done, I should lock all the windows properly, if I don't want to have univisited guests in the house while I sleep."

After Clint did sort the things he started cooking dinner, nothing special only potatoes with some meat, it's fast and easy to cook. I finished my food but I felt sad that I have nobody to talk with. Clint missed his friends but it's better to don't have them and so protect them from danger, therefore Clint was speaking to himself most of the times. On television was nothing to watch so he played some music on low volume just to relax.

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