Clara goes to Chuck E Devil

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"YAYYYYYY! CHUCK E DEVIL! CHUCK E DEVIL!!!" Clara yelled in excitement as she and her two best friends, Iruma-Chi and Azz-Azz made their way to the new Chuck E Devil that has opened up across the street.

The restaurant reminded Iruma of the place Chuck E Cheese back in the human world, as a kid he always wanted to go, however the one time he did go, he had to clean up the dead body of a kid who got attacked by a savage animatronic because he was hired as a janitor since he didn't have a childhood.

The trio soon entered the restaurant and with Clara being Clara, she was bursting with energy and jumped from the entrance straight into the ball pit (which really surprised them since it was a 15-foot jump).

"Clara! Are you okay?!" Yelled Iruma.

But there was no response from the green-haired gremlin.

"Iruma-same, I suggest we just leave her here and finally get her off our hands," Asmodeus said.

"No, but we can't just leave her here! We should check to see if she's okay," said Iruma as he rushed over to the ball pit, he jumped in, he looked around the ball bit for about a minute but there was no sign of Clara. The only thing Iruma found was a 420420420420420420 to the 6969696969696969 power-year-old pizza slice and a weird balloon with some yucky white fluid inside it. (It was later discovered it was actually a balloon with mayo some orphan put in there as a joke.)

"Azz-kun! I can't find Clara anywhere! I'm worried!"

"Wait really?! Let me check!" Asmodeus jumped in.

However, there was no sign of Clara, for she was already long gone to a place no one could find her.

Clara woke up in a strange place that didn't look like Chuck E Devil, heck! It didn't even look like the netherworld anymore. She looked at her surroundings and noticed a bright light in the distance and decided to go towards it. As she went towards the light, she heard a loud, ominous voice.

"Be not afraid young one, I will not hurt you," said the voice. When she got close enough she saw who it was.

"It is I, Twinky Winky the Teletubby, my subordinates and I have been looking for a chosen one, see we have been at war with Elmo the communist for a long time. We have lost so many young men. If you join then you'll get great divine power, but in return, the whole universe will rest on your shoulders. Tell me, will you join our fight against communism?


And then Clara became a God lol.

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