George shivered, his back arching in. He stared up at the blondies eyes, his gaze carrying only one thing —  lust.

If this was the only thing he could do to avoid a slow, painful death, he was down for it. And if they were gonna. . . y'know. . . he needed to get it done as fast as possible. George planned to try and kill him when he was distracted by managing to slip out one of his weapons and plunge it into his stomach. The stupid blondie would let down his guard, giving him an opportunity to end him once and for all.

Dream moved the hand that was cupping his face to bring his chin up, his face inching closer. George closed the space between them, pressing their lips together. Dream smiled into the kiss, gently digging the dagger into his back which had caused the brunette to gasp. This gave the blondie enough time to slip his tongue in. George had let out a quiet, fake moan, which made Dream clench his dagger harder — the blondie then brought his knee up to George's erection which he was unaware that he had, and began to gently move his leg up and down on it, pressing onto it. Now, it was a real moan that he let out before he looked down guiltily, his heart beginning to pound and his breath becoming heavy.

"S. . . Stop," was the only muffled world he could attempt to say. It was inaudible through the kiss, and of course he didn't want him to stop but for some reason he couldn't say anything else.

He shifted his body so Dream's knee couldn't properly grind on his bulge, but that resulted in the knife being dug into his back skin again in which caused his body to return to the same position. The then felt Dream's hands on his shoulders and before he could think he was being shoved onto his knees.

"Ow!" He groaned in pain and clenched his eyes closed, the whole killing thing . . . maybe Dream beat him to it. Maybe this was all a distraction just so he could end the brunettes life and carry on to live his life of being constantly chased and setting up traps for his friends to fall in. The sharp pain to his head never came but instead the sound of a belt being unbuckled. He blinked his eyes open, staring up at the tall figure just to see him removing his belt followed up by his pants.


Oh god.

Now he was going to have to taste Dream's dick.

But, for some reason, he didn't think of it as a necessarily bad thing.

He waited until he slid his pants down, just below his rock-hard dick.

Woah. I don't think I can fit all of that into my mouth.

Before another thought was able to be processed, Dream shoved his dick into his mouth. George began sliding his mouth up and down, going as far down as he could before gagging and coughing. He tried to keep a fast pace in order to satisfy him, which ultimately seemed to work because when he looked up Dreams head was thrown back, eyes and teeth clenched as he suppressed moans. This gave him an opportunity to quickly slip a knife out of a pouch and hide it in his belt.

"Oh, fuck." The blondie let out a long moan as he grabbed a handful of his brown hair and began ramming his head down himself. George gagged and coughed but none of that seemed to stop Dream. But just before Dream was about to climax, he unclenched his hair and lightly shoved him off. He opened his eyes and caught his breath, feeling a hand bring him back up but he wasn't facing forward, he was facing towards the tree.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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