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The funeral had ended. They had put the casket in the ground and buried it. Violet stayed watching even though it pained her she couldn't take her eyes off the ground where they had buried the love of her life.
"It should have been me. I'm so sorry Speedy I- I should have taken those bullets."
She cried putting her hand on the ground hoping he would just be there and embrace her like he did in Sokovia.
Sokovia. She thought back to that moment that beautiful moment when the wind was in her hair the view was beautiful. The hope that they could save everyone. Oh how she hoped she could go back to that moment.
The robot had blasted her through the wall. She got up to fight the robot but before she got the chance to a blue blur destroyed the robot in a matter of 1 second.
"I zink zhat iz zhe forth time I've zaved your life. No?"
Said the sokovian now standing in front of her, Pietro Maximoff, his silver hair fallen in front of his face a bit of blood from his lip, him holding his side breathing heavily yet he still had the biggest smirk on his face.
"I could've handled it on my own thank you very much Speedy."
Violet said picking herself up playfully glaring at the boy in front of her. Dusting herself off her red hair in a now loose side braid, her green eyes tired and the side of her waist bleeding from the blast the robot gave her. The speedster rolled his eyes at her stubbornness then his eyes scanned her for any sign of injury. When his eyes fell on the burn he moved closer to her. Violet followed his eyes to her waist and she tried to cover the burn but her took her arm to inspect the injury. He lightly touched her injured side, as soon as he did she hissed at the pain. He gently took his hand away.
"Princessca you need to be more careful you know I can't zee you hurt."
Pietro sighed pulling her into him leaning his head down as Violet leaned in lightly pressing her lips onto his in a short but meaningful kiss.
"I promise to be more careful only if you will." Violet whispered pressing there heads together. Pietro took her into a safe embrace until a voice came over the coms.
"How about we win this fight then you two can flirt all day long but first focus on saving people, get them on the lifeboats then beat Ultron's ass okay?"
Cap said passing the building the two were in on the coms.
"Okay go help the civilians I'll help Nat and I'll met you on the transporter when this is all done okay?"
Violet said looking at the boy and starting walking off until someone grabbed her wrist to pull her back.
"Come on one more kiss princessca?"
Pietro asked the girl his electric blue eyes big and shiny like a puppy. She leaned forward like she was going to kiss him.
"Go help the people and when this is over I'll give you all the kisses you want."
Violet stated pressing her finger on his chest. Walking backwards signaling him to and help the civilians. As soon as he speed out of the building she ran to help Nat fight more robots.
~end of flashback~
God she wished she kissed him then but then again she never thought that the next time she would see him would be him shot up on the ground lifeless. She let a small tear run down her face as she thought of the memory.
"Violet? Sweetheart what are you still doing here you had me and your father scared to death."
Her mom, Pepper spoke behind her relief in her voice. Violet slowly turned her head to look at her mom. Tony a few feet behind Pepper. Pepper noticed the tears in her daughter's eyes through the afternoon light. Pepper motioned Tony to stay where he was as she moved towards her daughter. She bent down with her daughter on the ground she pulled Violet into a warm gentle hug. Pepper didn't say anything, she didn't have to she knew that Violet only wanted her mother to be there she knew her daughter wasn't ready to talk to her about it, the only people Violet would talk to would be Wanda and Natasha, Wanda was like a sister to Violet and Natasha was like an older sister to her. The two girls made their way back to Tony and back to the car. As they entered the Avengers tower Violet said her goodnights and went to her room but before she could she went past Wanda room with her door cracked open and heard sobbing from the room she knocked on the door softly.
"Wanda? Are you okay do you need anything?"
Violet questioned leaning on the door frame. Wanda opened her door and Violet was met with Wanda with red puffy eyes and her dark brown hair fallen in her face her body slouched her nose as red as a cherry.
"Hey Violet."
Wanda said followed with a sniffle. Violet instantly took Wanda in a tight hug.
"I know it's hard just let it all out you'll feel better trust me."
Violet said while still hugging Wanda.
"Oh Violet. I zhought I could do it today I really did Violet but I- I ze was my brother I just can't zay goodbye to him ze vas my only family."
Wanda said between sobs. Clutching onto Violet.
"He wasn't your only family Wanda, I mean yea he was blood related but you still have me and Natasha and Clint you have more family than you know."
Violet said rubbing Wanda's back. Wanda and Violet talked for a long time on memories and what they could do in the future and what Pietro would have wanted. Once Violet knew Wanda was going to be okay she went back to bed as flashbacks came to her.
The Vision was created with J.A.R.V.I.S.'s consciousness into the Vision.  They were all getting ready and suited up. Violet through on her white tight suit with a violet colored stripe on the sides and then put her red hair into a tight side braid.  When Violet finished getting ready she grabbed one of her red jackets that she thought Wanda would want, She had gotten done before most so she went to go check on the twins.  She walked in as they were finishing up.
"If what Ultron is planning what I think he his you might need this Wanda."
Violet told her tossing the jacket to Wanda.
"Zank you Violet."
Wanda said her accent lacing in her words.  Violet could feel a pair of eyes staring a whole through her in that moment she looked up and her emerald green eyes were met with his electric blue ones.  Wanda looked between us.
"I'll leave you two alone for a little."
Wanda said walking out of the room closing the door behind her.  Pietro started to walk closer to the red haired teen.  Pietro then stood right in front of her causing her to look up at him with his much taller and muscular frame.
"Zank you for being good to my zister zhe normally doesn't like many people but you're different, you're zpecial which of course I could tell you that when I first zaw you."
Pietro said putting his hands on her side pulling her closer to him. 
"Was that supposed to be an insult or a compliment? Sometimes it's hard to tell with you Speedy."
Violet teased making Pietro to playfully roll his eyes at the nickname she gave him.
"It vas a compliment princessca."
Pietro told her getting close to her face pulling her in by her waist to him.  He laid a soft kiss on Violet's lips at first it surprised her but she soon kissed back.  She pulled away to catch her breath. 
"I've veen waiting to do zhat zense I first zaw vuo in zhe woods."
He told her pressing their foreheads together.  Suddenly the door opened and there stood Tony Stark.
"Maximoff! Hands off my daughter. Now." 
Tony told Pietro leaving Pietro with a smirk knowing he riled up Violet's father while Violet's face practically matched her hair. Violet was about to leave the room to go on the quinjet but was pulled back by Pietro.
"Before ve go out and fight for our lives I- I just vant to know will you be my girlfriend?"
Pietro asked nervously holding her hands in his.  He looked down at her face anxiously waiting for a response. 
"I don't know does this answer your question Maximoff?"
She asked as she cocked an eyebrow at him. Suddenly she smashed her lips onto his it was a short but beautiful kiss.  As it ended she looked up at him smirking.
"I zink it does Princessca."
Pietro said as they started walking together to the quinjet.
                                 ~end of flashback~
She smiled at the memory in her sleep oh how could Violet Stark ever move of from Pietro Maximoff.

Word count:1542
What'd you think of this chapter should I do more chapters with flashbacks or what let me know?

How did we get here? OC x Peter Maximoff           X-Men x Avengers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora