Chapter 2

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".....but you wouldn't understand" Wow I put all my acting experience in this one scene and gave it all I really hope that he liked it.                     "I don't know what to say..." he said without any emotion I was scared, terrified that I had blown it all my fears were roaming around in my head but all of a sudden he stood up and started to clap.                " y/n this was absolutely amazing I cannon believe you have not been on any tv shows or movies yet," She said kinda proudly. "wow I don't know what to say thank you so much it means the world to me," I said smiling After that, he went to his desk and dialed a number.

"Uhmm yes hi Chloe please send the other contestants home I found my blossom," he said as I stood there with my hands over my mouth with tears of joy in my eyes in disbelief of what he just said. 

"Does that means I got the part?!" I asked full of hope "does Therese love Carol?" he asked laughing. I answered yes! and smiled so big cause I was so happy and excited but mostly I couldn't believe it. 

After three minutes he started to talk to me about the details.

" So this will all go by fast today in two weeks we will have our first table read after that you will get to know the other co-stars and you are new to this, so I'll explain to you what will happen after that. after the table read we will start shooting, you will get your dialogues sent your house we have your address after finishing shooting we will do a lot of press and then finely there is the red carpet" he said                       " I still couldn't believe it but I answered, "okay this is still very unbelievable for me but I'm very thankful and I wanted to ask is it true cate is the other lead actress if you don't mind me asking?" "yes that's true you will get to meet her very soon, she was here earlier but she left already so you'll meet her in two weeks" he replied after we did the paperwork and everything else I thanked him again and walked out of the building knowing that I will be in a movie with cate Blanchett.

3O Minutes later

I arrived at home as I entered my apartment I still couldn't believe it but the first thing I did was text my best friend Ritchie was always my biggest supporter but she lives far away.

y/n: Heyy Asshole you won't believe what happened!!?

ma girl: hummmmm no... WTF what a question OF COURSE why?

Y/n: well today I had an audition for this new Todd Haynes directs and I got the fucking part but that's not the best part my acting partner is CATE MOTHER FUCKING BLANCHETT!!! 

ma girl: No Fucking way CONGRATULATIONS omg I am so happy for you!! you deserve it!!

y/n: yeah

I texted with Ritchie for about another 30 minutes, we were catching up. After that, I called my sister and she was Beyond happy for me. my sister lives 20 minutes away from me in another small apartment besides being a manager she is also a designer. she is one of the best she will make it big someday I know it.

7:00 pm 

I was making some dinner, I made myself some pasta as that was all I had in, as I started eating I got a message.

Unknown number: hey y/n this is todd :) just wanted to text you so that you have my number. Oh and also the script must be in your mailbox I sent it to you the minute you left. I hope I didn't interrupt you have  A GOOD EVENING :)

y/n: hey todd! :) you didn't interrupt me at all I was just having some dinner. thank you so much for letting me know you too have a great evening :)

Todd: oh also the table reading is going to be earlier is going to be in two days hope you don't mind:)

y/n: no of course I don't mind just send me the details and ill be there :)

Todd: amazing! see you in two days y/n 

After answering Todd I went straight to my mailbox and there it was my first script ever.                     
I was so excited because this is a huge deal for me. I went through the script a couple of times but this one scene in particular always caught my eyes. It was a romantic scene with cate, this was all new for me because I've never done anything like it of course. After all, it's my first acting job and it's with cate but then I calmed myself down because I know cate is a wonderful, sweet, amazing person and she will help me for sure.                                                           
After reading through the script Todd sent me all the details, it's going to be in two days at 8 am. he sent me the address and everything else I needed.

11:00 PM

it was getting late and I was getting tired because the day was very, very, very good and the best day ever but I was very exhausted. So I put on my pj's, brushed my teeth took a shower, and went into bed, when I was lying in my bed I couldn't believe that this was happening. I was so excited for the table read, this movie could be my jump into the acting world. I mean I got my dream job and this dream job will be with Cate Blanchett who has been my inspiration, my idol, and my crush since I was a kid, UH what .. uhmm no i mean not crush, crush she is just very beautifull and amazing... Whatever as she always says SHE IS MARRIED. After some thinking i went to sleep with the thouight of this day in my head and that in 2 days i will be meeting cate blanchett, Ahhhhhh.

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