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Dear diary.
Today i woke up, i dreamed about next part of dream.
In that dream i woke up in bed. But not my.
I felt a heavy, cold duvet on me.
It was a blue striped duvet.
I got up and looked around with still duvet on my body. Around me was white room with some pictures of landscapes, old wooden large cabinet and wooden old door. Also some dirty misty windows.
I stood up and walked to the door.

I slowly opened them. I saw a hallway. On the other side, was old rusty white door with small window, on that window was white curtain.
Floor was wooden too, everything was wooden, expect walls and roof.
Weirdest thing is i felt that cold wooden floor. It was too real.... way too real.

I then heard loud whistling. In second I immediately relaized it was a teapot.
Someone stood up and walked up to teapot.
I didn't take any chances and slowly walked to the door, that looked like front door.
Just one step before door i looked to my right and saw room with table, and white glassed cabinet.

I got to door and opened them, in second i noticed it was heavily raining. I then heard footstep. I hid behind rusty metal barrel. The footstep stopped. I carefully looked who was it. It was that old lady again. She must have been strong to get me to her house and to her bed.
I looked around and saw trees around.
The front door closed that loudly that i gasped from fear and almost jumped.
I got up. I was wet from rain. I looked around again, and just started running
All I heard were raindrops falling down from sky.

I found road. I decided to go to right.
After while I found junction. I wanted to run to right but that road was flooded.
So I ran to left.
I ran and ran and ran.
I then just woke up.

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