Cold Nights in Warm Sheds (Emily x Thomas)

Start from the beginning

"Oh don't be so silly i doubt they'll even do anything!" Thomas chuckled but before either of them could say anything a large amount of heavy snow fell onto Thomas boiler from a tree branch above him. Thomas quickly stopped as Emily puffed up next to him trying to keep from laughing. 

"You were saying?" She giggled. Thomas huffed annoyed. "I know, i know but will you please help me out of this mess is getting cold…" he shivered. "Of course Thomas! I could never leave you out in the cold like this especially with the weather getting worse…" she said before switching tracks as she got infront of him before coupling up to him as she slowly pulled him out of the snow. 

"We better hurry, is only the early afternoon now and that storm is coming this way…" Emily's driver said poking his head out of her cab. The two nodded before whistling as they continued down the line to Tidmouth. Once they arrived all of the shed doors was closed. "Do you think anyone is even here?" Emily whispered as she uncoupled from Thomas and slowly puffed onto the turn table. 

"Im not sure maybe they're resting?" Thomas said before getting on the turn table just as Emily got off. The two slowly but quietly puffed back into their own sheds and to their surprise only Henry, Rebecca and Percy was in the sheds fast asleep. The two looked at each other before quietly giggling. 

"We'll im going to rest for a bit…." Emily said quietly before yawning. Thomas softly giggled "oh well goodnight" he softly said. "Good night.." She quietly said as her eyelids got heavy before finally falling asleep. 

Later that night Thomas found it hard to sleep. The sounds of the wind bashing against the shed doors followed by the dimly lit shed made it even worse for him to sleep. He slowly glanced over at Emily who was still fast asleep. "Emily?.." He quietly asked getting her to shift a little in her sleep.

"Emily please wake up i need to talk to you!.." He whispered some more glancing back over at the other's hoping to not wake them up as well. "What is it Thomas?" She quietly groaned as she slowly woke up.

"I know is silly of me to wake you up over something as small as this but i can't go back to sleep…" he quietly said mentally preparing himself for Emily to angry with him. She sighed "again?..." She asked softly smiling at him. 

He was surprised to see that she wasn't angry with him but quickly shook it off as he looked back over at her. "Do you think this weather will ever let up?" He asked. Emily glanced over at the shed window that was completely covered in winter frost. 

"I don't know but from the looks of it no…. Is it the wind that's keeping you up?" She softly asked. Thomas blushed "the wind? Ha! no of course not is not the…" he trailed off once he noticed Emily looking at him with a tired yet annoyed expression. "Okay maybe it is…." He quietly admitted.

"Thomas im sure it'll all be okay now go back to sleep" she assured. "Okay…" he sighed slowly glancing back over at her to see she was already some what asleep. "Emily… im really sorry to wake you again but… What do you think of me?.." 

"Thomas…" she groaned annoyed looking back over him. "Im sorry! But really id like to know what you think of me as…" he quietly asked quickly looking away. "It depends Thomas what are you asking?..." She quietly asked.

"In a way im asking if you see me as a friend or just another annoying tank engine…" He mumbled a little. "Thomas i don't see you as an annoying tank engine if anything…." She paused slowly blushing before sighing. "If anything Thomas...i… i love you…. For who you are the silly yet loving engine you are" she softly chuckled. 

Thomas's eyes widen with surprise as his face flushed red. "If anything i was going to tell you that but i guess you already beat me to it" he softly chuckled. "Oh really? How so?" She quietly asked. "You're paintwork Your personality, everything about you i loved so when you first arrived here on the island i… Well i kinda fell in love right away but because of me being a small engine and not really being the best i thought maybe you didn't really like me other then just being friends…" Thomas trailed off. 

Emily softly smiled "Thomas when i first saw you everything about you i fell in love with, you know it's not a bad thing for tender engine's to fall in love with smaller engines…" she softly giggled blushing more. Thomas slowly yet hesitantly leaned onto her. "I love you Emily" he quietly said he face almost as red as Rosies paint work. 

Emily noticed this as she softly chuckled. "I love you too, but i gotta ask why is your face red?" 

"Cut it out!" Thomas quietly yelped as Emily giggled some more. "Im just teasing Thomas…" she said softly nuzzling him as the two slowly drifted off to sleep not realizing that the weather outside had died down as the two kept each other warm for the rest of the night. 

(Sorry if this looks a little rushed i was trying to get it along with another one soon to come up as well finished before by b-day *July 20th btw* so i can get to other projects I've started and haven't finished yet but like always thanks for reading and have a Good Day/ Night!!)

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