a little bit more information

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At the end of the 4th ninja war, hogoromo, the sage of sixth paths decided to deliver Naruto a gift, since he managed to save the entire world from kaguya, by reviving Minato and kushina, making them human again, allowing them to continue to age, and do what humans do.

In this story, itachi doesn't die. Sasuke forgave his brother once he heard the truth behind the massacre.

Neji died, but he died during peins attack, afterwards he was revived by peins jutsu(or something.)

Itachi has a son,. The same age as minako.

Daisuke and Minako have been in a relationship ever since they were 9. But they never kissed, or anything like that. But daisuke would always carry minako like she was a queen, well she is his queen. The two were always inseparable, nothing could ever break them apart.

That's all...! Baii

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