He's Back!

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Luca POV:
the train ride seemed short because of how excited I was... and because I slept almost the whole way!. I woke up by the train shifting and looked out the window to see portorosso in the distance! I was so happy I began to bounce in my seat! Which eventually ended up waking Giulia and she wasn't very happy about that. :P

We began to get closer to the train station and my stomach started to feel queasy because of the sight of all the people crowded in the train station. "well that's gonna make it harder to find them" Giulia says, I awkwardly laugh and take a big gulp. My palms get sweaty as the train comes to a stop and Giulia tells me to just stay calm and that I will be ok. We get off the train and I'm taken aback by all the people rushing around, "I guess the town got a bit more people" Giulia says, I laugh and say "you think!" We both lightly laugh and look around for our family's. Giulia see's Massimo and runs towards him pulling me with her we both give him a hug but we are still slightly blocked by the crowd because Massimo was walking around looking for us when we found him. I'm starting to get queasy again when a red lifeguard shirt catches my eye, then me and the person meet eyes and it's "Alberto!" I drop my stuff and start running towards him as he does the same we meet and we share a big hug and he starts spinning me in the air, I was caught off guard but in a good way. At this point he has set me down and we are hugging and swaying back and forth slightly and grinning like it's the only thing we know how to do, apparently we were like this for a while because I hear Giulia clear her throat behind us"ahem".
We both part from each other and turn around, I glance up at Alberto and he looks kind of irritated but also his face is pink. I hope he's ok it would be horrible if he was sick!?

Me and Giulia gather our things and head to Massimo's home . I begin to get worried because I see Alberto is still pink and he hasn't really said a word to me since that thing at the train station I hope I didn't do anything wrong. We all stay in Giulia's room just catching up on things like how school went and what Alberto did while we were at school. He said he got a lot of jobs like babysitting, lifeguarding, and of course still helping Massimo with selling the fish. The thing that caught my attention the most was the life guard job he ,was wearing his work shirt still and that is how I noticed him in the crowd.... "Alberto!" Massimo calls "yea?" Alberto says back.... Massimo doesn't reply and Alberto just rolls his eyes playfully and says "brb" as he runs downstairs. I wonder what that me- "it means be right back" Giulia says "oh!" I reply , apparently I was visibly confused. It was awkwardly quiet between us and then Giulia suddenly says "so... you like Alberto or what?" I am taken aback by the question and stutter out "wh- what what do you mean?.. I mean of course he's cute he- he's my best freind" and yea he's gotten older and has a deeper voice.... He really is handsome since all the small jobs he picked up have him on his feet...... WAIT!, what am I thinking, this is normal for friends..right? .....lucaa?....Luca...LUCA! "Aaah" I jump back "you were staring off into space" Giulia tells me. "You also didn't answer my ques-" Giulia Is cut off by Alberto calling for us to come downstairs because dinner is ready . We head downstairs and Alberto gives me a warm smile, we both sit down and we are both confused as to why he's cooking instead of Massimo? Massimo begins to tell us how Alberto has gotten better at cooking and how he really has learned a lot since we've been gone. Wow he really is like a son to Massimo, I'm really happy for him.


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Word count: 720

A/N ~ please tell me if there are any mistakes I'm putting this out there at only two parts but do not worry there will be more I promise :)

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