Chapter 5

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HELLO! Before you read this chapter, listen to this song. It goes with the chapter a little bit. I'm going to try to do this for every chapter. I hope you all are having a wonderful day!

Vera's Point of View

I woke up to sunlight drifting in between the drapes.

Brinley was asleep on the bed next to mine. Her blonde short hair a mess around her face, drool trickling out the side of her mouth. I laughed to myself a little. I've known this girl for so long, yet she always has a way to crack me up at the weirdest time.

I didn't want to wake Brinley up so I laid on the bed and ended up falling asleep. I had the weirdest dream.

My hands ran through short, dirty blonde, soft hair then moved down to graze a cheek. I ran my fingers over the scars on the persons face, my darker skin complexion on the white stripes on his face. His head rested on my chest. His green eyes wandering up to my face. He took my hand with one of his and with the other, he grazed my jaw bone.

"What have you done to me Rodgers?" He asked in a low voice.

I didn't know what to say to that, obviously the question was rhetorical, but I wanted to answer for some reason.

"It's funny Rodgers, maybe in another life time, we could be something more..." He looked up and smiled.

"Being with you...even like enough for me" I said quietly, but not quietly enough so he couldn't hear my voice. He smiled. The smile made my lips melt into a grin. All of a sudden the door opened. I felt the weight lifted off of my chest quickly and I realized that the boy was moving towards the door.

"Please Father, you don't understand I- We-" the boy tried to explain but failed.

Another man in a suit entered the room and grabbed my wrist and pulled me off the bed.

The boy had so much anger in his eyes, tainted with sadness. The man who was not grabbing my wrist left and the boy went up to my ear.

"Vera...I'm so sorry...I-I didn't know..."

I looked at him with sad eyes, the places that he touched, he kissed, now felt like bruises to a broken heart. He grabbed my face, my arms, my stomach, my head, my lips. All the places that were touched by him, now hurt. A single tear slipped out of my eyes while the man in the suit pulled me.

"Vera wait! Please- please- I-I-please"

The boy pleaded. He tried grabbing the man but failed. I looked back and mouthed.

"Maybe in another life..."

I woke up sweaty, cold yet hot at the same time. Brinley wasn't in her bed. The sheet were messily thrown on the bed as a bad attempt to make the bed. I looked out the window. Brinley and Rowan were in the pool. I closed the blinds and got dressed. I grabbed the bathing suit I packed and slipped it on. I tied my hair up in a bun on top of my head. I made a mental note not to get my hair wet. It would poof up and then I would redo it.

"You know what..." I said to myself "...whatever, I don't care anymore"

As much as I would not like to admit it, the dream...or nightmare got to me. I didn't know what to do. I felt different...the boy...who could he be? Is he a real person or just a figure of my imagination. My subconscious making up someone so I didn't feel so alone. All I know is that I have to find that boy.

I walked out of the house to the back deck. I sat on one of the chairs, the warm plastic touching my skin.

"Hey sleepy head!" Brinley yelled from the pool before a shirtless Rowan came up behind her and dunked her head in the water.

She bobbed up.


"Oh, I knew that when I did it."

"Just making sure you knew"

"Hey," Rowan said to me "Come on in, I could use you" He said laughing.

I climbed in the water.

"Oh, no! I'm not joining you...Brinley, what's are game plan?"

We all laughed. At the end of the day, I almost forgot about the dream.

I'm sorry that it's so short, but I have something to make it up to you! I made a playlist! I'm going to make one for all the main characters! Here's Vera's!

I hope you guys have a wonderful day! Love youuuu <3


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