"When I woke, they were like this. Rebekah tells me Klaus has a plan to kill Dahlia, Samael tells me that Klaus stabbed himself after Dahlia linked them"

"Yes" Elijah sighs "According to him, our ingredients were incorrect. Niklaus infiltrated Dahlia's mind. You didn't break her heart. We needed the blood of the witch she loved the most, and you are not that witch-- that honor goes to our beloved mother"

Freya groans

"So we need Esther's blood? Well, that's impossible-- I killed her"

didn't expect that but I mean each their own I guess

"One incarnation" Elijah says

I'm sorry but incarnation means you're going to bring someone back from the dead.....exactly who is doing that

"Our mother is buried in New Orleans. Niklaus wants to revive the original body"


we all made it back to the compound except Rebekah and Marcel is here

"Nik is demented!" Rebekah yells "Are we really to dig up our mother, burn her to ash, swap said ash with Kol's, and then trick Davina into using up her last chance to bring someone back from the dead? Not to mention we lose the opportunity to save Kol...if Davina doesn't turn us inside out"

"It's not the only chance" I speak up "there are other ways they just aren't very light"

they all blink at me

"How do you know that" Freya asks "Have you actually seen those spells?"

"they were in the library" I point out "I mean I don't have them memorized"

"Or, we dig a deep hole and leave both our problems at the bottom of it" Elijah points out

"No" I say

Freya stares at Dahlia "I say we choose a more permanent option-- find teh white oak stake, kill Klaus, Dahlia dies with him"

Marcel and I both stare at her

"Well, yeah, and so do I" Marcel growls "And every other vampire that Klaus has turned"

Rebekah starts making weird sounds

"The dagger"

the dagger is fucking melting dear god

"It's bloody melting" Rebekah says

"We have no choice but to finish the task that Niklaus has set" Elijah sighs


I went with Rebekah and Elijah to dig up remains

"Oh, isn't this lovely" Rebekah snaps "Fresh air, the birds are singing in the trees...the perfect day to dig up Mommy Dearest's corpse"

"And you look lovely in dirt" I quip earning a glare from her

Elijah pours gas over Esther's remains

"A perfect day to carry out the assignments of a lunatic"

I look around "How are we gonna get Davina to revive wicked mommy witch and not Kol?"

Elijah throws the gas can into the grave

"perhaps we steal a page from Niklaus' playbook? She might yet help us if she has no idea that she is helping us"

no one says anything

"I said I'd stay in my witch body until I save Kol"

poor baby

"Now, I've broken my promise, and I am actively conspiring to shanghai Davina and her one chance to bring him back herself. I feel like a traitor"

"It's cause you are" I put out there

Rebekah stares at me "You might be my nephew but you are to like Niklaus for your own good"

"Enough" Elijah states "He stole from all of us. Gia was innocent"

I chuckle

"Innocence doesn't do well here. I don't even remember having innocence's; do you remember me having innocence"

we all stare at each other

"I don't" Rebekah speaks first "I always remember you being a little reincarnation of the devil"

"When you first came to us barely a couple months old" Elijah smiles "You were so innocent"

Rebekah flicks open a lighter

"I suppose it's a family trait-- everything we love, we turn to ash"

then she tosses the lighter in it

"Now we need marshmallows" I smirk "Make some smores; I've never had any"

I'm your kid too, father Where stories live. Discover now