Chapter 1: the breakup

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It was just a normal day for Caroline.
She woke up at 7 in the morning to get ready to see her boyfriend, jake. But something felt off about today and she just didn't know what. But little did she know that today her whole life would change. The way she wakes up, why she smiles, who she trusts. Today is the day that all of that is changed. Is it for the better?

"CAR WAKE YOUR ASS UP"- said June, Caroline's mom trying to wake her up from her deepest of dreams

        "Ugggg 5 more minutes please"- said car (her nickname)

"NO GET YOUR ASS UP BEFORE YOU MISS SEEING JAKE"- June said very angry as breakfast was getting cold.

"Fine." Caroline said as she groaned.  She got out of bed and ready for the day. Went downstairs and had cold eggs and bacon. Then headed outside to her car. Her car wasn't anything but a gift from her grandma. Her parents didn't make much. Between her mom going through drug use and her dad in prison they couldn't afford such things. But her grandma got her a Buick.  A little something to get around. To which she was appreciative. Caroline headed to jakes.  Which was about a 10 min drive but she could jam to her favorite song.  Two ghosts by mr Harry styles

"WERE NOT WHO WE USED TO BEEEEEEE" Caroline sang in an exciting voice not knowing the tragic future that awaited her? Or was it good?

10 min later......

She pulled into jakes driveway and something left her feeling weird. She walked inside to see jake sitting in his bed. As if he forgot she was coming. 

"Hey baby!" Caroline said to jake.
"Oh hey" jake said and seemed to be surprised by her arrival.
"Is everything okay?" She asked worried about the tone he was using.
"Actually no it's not" he said getting angrier. 
"What's your  problem" she asked.
"YOU,YOURE MY DAMN PROBLEM" he said angry at Caroline.
"What did I do?" She asked
"Everything , I don't want you anymore, you're boring and you never give me what I want. I'm tired of you and we're done" he said in a douche bag tone.
"Fine" she ran out and cried. She felt as if her whole world ended. But the truth is. He was never anything to her but someone she thought she loved. Just someone to fill that lonely void when you feel as tho you need someone.  She would soon find out what her world truly was.  And she would forget about jake and his dumb ass. But she just didn't know it yet.

Authors note: hey guys. This is my first story and I'm hoping it turns out good! Thank you for reading !

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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