Red Ribbon [ Sbi ]

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Art by: @philza_doodles on Twitter
Warning: Swearing, fighting,
Extra : Nope.
I was snapped out of my trance of daydreaming by a soft male voice.
"Yeah Dadza?"
"Would you come and help me cut vegetables for lunch?"

( Bdw: your 12, Tommy is 10, Wilbur is 14 and Techno is 15.)

"Yeah sure, just give me a minute."
He nodded as he turned around to go downstairs. I wasn't to surprised that he asked me to help. No one else wanted to help out or could help. Tommy will not stop fighting with Wilbur, Wilbur tries to ignore Tommy, but he can't, and Techno's like me. Quiet. But he finds there fighting amusing to watch.
I won't lie their fighting is funny, but I try not look at them while they are close by only from afar nor try to laugh loudly or Tommy's going to drag me and use as a shield.

I snapped out of my thoughts and changed out of my pjs into my regular daytime outfit and touched it off with my favourite pair of combat boots, for fun.

As I went down the stairs, I could hear the slashing of wooden swords going back and forth and Tommy's obnoxious screeching. A normal Sunday afternoon.
"Oh, you're down, nice shirt dear where did you get it from?" Phil said taking his eyes of the stove.
"I bought it from a shop in town a few weeks ago. I liked it. I think it's was called Sally's Boutique?" I said walking to the countertop.

"It's nice, but here." Phil walked over to my wrist where I kept ribbons that I tie my hair with. He took the F/C one and tied it up into a neat bow while still around my wrist. It looked pretty.
I was in ah, Phil never stopped to surprise me with his actions even the simplest of them.
"Thank you Phil, it's gorgeous."
"No problem dear, if you need anything just ask."
I nodded before answering.
"I will."
After that I started chopping away and at the same time, I was keeping an eye out on the boys trough the window. I'm still surprised they haven't hurt themselves yet. Before I realized it, I was done cutting the vegetables.
"Hey Y/N, are you done dear?"
"Right, em, yes." I said bringing him the bowls of different veggies.
"Thank you for the helping hand dear, you can do whatever now."
I walked over to the backdoor to check up on Tommy and Wilbur. They were still sparing. I walked down the staircase to get a better view of them and sat down on one of the lower steps.
It was as usual, hilarious to watch and yet terrifying. I like sparing, it's a good way to learn how to fight well but I don't like watching it especially if it is a ten-year-old against a fourteen-year-old.

To me, that shit don't mix well together.

"Earth to Y/N, you there?"
"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm here Tech."
I turned my head around and watched him sit down next to me. Him and all of his glory.
"Why do you dress like royalty again?" I said pointing to his monarch looking outfit.
"Why do you dress like you want to kick my ass again?"
"Touché, but can I braid your hair? Your bun kinda looks like Tommy's hair on a usual day. A disaster." I said staring at Tommy's week old unbrushed hair.
"Sure." He said taking off his crown.
I tried hiding my excitement but how could you not? You get to play in long soft bubble gum pink hair. What's not to be excited about?
I started brushing his hair with my fingers taking out the small nots and started separating it three parts. It was quiet if you didn't count the two boys battling each other.

Me and Techno are close because even if we weren't related, we were pretty much always together so we told each other about everything even what are voices say.
"How have they been lately?"
"Always there but today they are a little bit quieter." He answered as I continued to braid his hair.
"And you?"
"Last night it was bad but today there fine, what colour of ribbon?" I said showing the colours.
I tied up the braid with the red ribbon then letting the braid go.
"Thank you."
"No problem but do you think we can spar sometime soon."
He smiled then turning to Tommy and Wilbur still sparing then started to speak.
"Sure, when there done, we can."
"Sure thing."
Thank you for reading ! Sorry for the longer wait then usual but here I am!
But I have a question, how is your summer going till now?
- Yuri Shu ☕️🌻

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