Runaway / Tommy / P.2

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Thank you again for the 10k reads!
Song : you were good to me by Jeremy Zucker
Art by: @melonpaya on Twitter
Warning: abuse, screaming, swearing, stealing
Extra: a big portion of the one shot is going to be lyrics but there needed.
Anyways let's go!
"I said to come home with beer bitch."
"I don't have any money..."
"And what did I say if you have no money?"
"To steal it."
"And if you didn't?"
"...I'm 13!"
"It's old enough to get-."
"Ready to start the stream?"
I snapped out of my thoughts as I turned to the brunette. I nodded quickly and responded.
"Yeah, just let me tweet it out."
He nodded and started preparing for the stream while I was typing out the tweet.
Today is going to be the day where we are going to be singing are first 'real' song.
Music video and all, it's a big step for us musicians.
"You're ready to start?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."

Time skip to an hour later with Tommy and Tubbo.
Tommy POV
After about an hour of editing I got bored, so I decided to call Tubbo.
"Hey Tommy!" Tubbo said happy as ever.
"Hey big man whatcha doin'?"
"Oh, I'm watching U/N stream!"
"U/N?" I asked confused but also interested in the mystery streamer.
"Yep, she's a smaller Minecraft/Music streamer and she's really good at both especially music. She usually streams with her friend Liam." Tubbo babbled happily.
"Really seems like you like them."
"I do! There still streaming right now you should watch with me!"
I opened up Twitch and typed in her name and started watching.
Two voices came out of the stream.
"Alright, ready chat? One, two, one, two , three, four."
Piano started playing in a lovely melody.
Then started voices.
( Y/N I normal, Liam is italics and when it's both there bold.)
Music : ( hope it works)

"Lyin', isn't better than silence floatin', but i feel like I'm dyin'"
" still no matter where I go at the end of every road, you were good to me you were good to me, yeah."
There voices went very well together.
"I know it's easier to run after everything I've done. You were good to me, you were good to me."
After that, a click went off then bicycle sounds went off with voices of children. Then a female voices.
"You were good to me."
"You were good to me."
"Leavin', isn't better than tryin' . Growin', but I'm just growin' tired."
"Now I'm worried for my soul and I'm still scared of growing old."
"You were good to me."
"You were good to me, yeah."
Her voice was beautiful and soft.
Then the male voice started again.
"And I'm so used to letting go but I don't wanna be alone, ohh."
"God only knows where our fears go."
"Hearts I've broke, now my tears flow."
"You'll see that I'm sorry, cause you were good to me, you were good to me."
"And now I'm closing every door cause I'm sick of wanting more."
"You were good to me you were good to me,yeah ."
"Swear I'm different than before, I won't hurt you anymore, cause you were good to me."
Her voices was so similar, and she looked so similar.
"Wow, she's so good."
"I know right?"
Tubbo's voice startled me.
"She said the song was about her childhood friend!" He continued on.
Me and Tubbo continued watching the stream until one part caught my attention.
"My friend's name? Oh his name was Thomas but I called him Jelly Boy because he'd love to eat raspberry jam."
Jelly Boy?
Jelly boy...
Jelly Bo...
Memory Land.
"How can someone eat haft of a jam jar with a spoon in one sitting?"
"I don't know, me I guess but I'm not done."
"Don't tell me you're going to eat more! That's not good for you!" The girl said.
"You can't tell me what to do! You're not my mu-." The boy said going for more.
"Thomas! What did I tell you about eating from the jam jar!"
"Not to."
"What did you do?"
"I ate it from the jar."
"Right, no more jam for a week."
"But mum!"
"No Thomas."
"Anyways Y/N you're dad's here."
The girl looked down sadly but got up to leave.
"Bye Miss Simons and bye Jelly Boy."
Out of Memory Land.
I finally found you again.
But where are you?
Finally got my computer back again for once! I wrote this in one sitting!
Please! For me!
-Yuri Shu ☕️🌻

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