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They say that when you're in love, you can identify their scent even from meters away. Distances doesn't matter when it comes to love. What happens when you finally overcome these distances? The true love blooms and the nostalgic pull towards your cherished one increases more than ever.

         ~•Yoongi's POV•~
I fluttered my eyes open only to see Jimin shaking me like he was pretending there was an earthquake. Gosh, this boy. I pushed jim back softly, indicating that I'm awake. He smiled at me and left the room, apparently running to look for taehyung.
It was our day off, but Bang PD called me to see my production process dor our upcoming single. I refused the car ride with manager and told him that I'll come to the company on my own.

           •~No one's POV•~

As soon as that black boy, whom she immidiately gave a name of mystery man, sat in front diagonal seat from her, she couldn't stop staring. Her heart fluttered even more and the heartbeat picked up it's pace faster than ever. The back of his neck, His smooth chocolaty brown hairs tightly stuck under his baseball cap, his not so wide but manly broad shoulders, everything was so perfect. Everything made her nervous. He looked extremely pretty that she couldn't believe her eyes. She was looking at her lifeline, the human she had been cherishing and crying over across the screen for one year now. Good 5 minutes had passed and her deja vu still wasn't over. She wanted this time to stop, when suddenly her mystery man turned around and cleared his throat to gain her attention.

               ~•Your POV•~

"Min Yoongi......how should tell you what you mean to me...What are you doing to me........
...How can a human be this beautiful."
My thoughts were interupted when he turned around to look at me.
"Akhhhmmm..Excuse me, you've been staring at my back for a while."
Fuck, it wasn't supposed to go like this.
I tried to pretend like there was a demon who was forcing me to do so, clearly denying his just said statement by my actions. I tried gathering myself together and finally replied;
"Ah I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for bothering you."
I gave him the most apologetic look which soon could make me a clown faced ugly rat. He turned back around, not very amused but giving that so so look. I decided to chat with my besties and listen to music to kill the time.
                ~•Yoongi's POV•~

It had been a while since i felt a strong pair of eyes digging into the back of my neck. At this point it was so uncomfortable that i wanted to turn around and snatch them away. I finally decided to turn around, only to see a girl with soft doe eyes of beautiful chocolate brown colour staring at me like she was going to cry if i said anything. mmmm...Army i guess... Her black and a bit blue hair were tied into a messy bun. Her swelled face clearly told that she overslept. Sleep lover, i see.
I tried clearing my throat to ease the tension of this situation.
"Akhhhmmm..Excuse me, you've been staring at my back for a while."
She didn't know how to react and became a flustered and blushing mess. I was definitely amused by her small actions when she waved her hand in air and rested it in her hairs, apparently rubbing her scalp. Same as me.
"Ah I'm sorry. I'm really sorry for bothering you."
I really didn't know what to say back, her sweet melodic voice was like a drug. Should I start a conversation? No. Saesang fans could see me.
Bold of you to turn around like a rock, Min Yoongi. This girl is a bit cute. I internally cursed myself for not giving her the deserving award bur calling her a "A bit cute".

Author's note:
Helooo readers i tried my best to add life to each and every moment and putting in that sweetness of chats and thoughts. I'm really nervous while writing this. Please share your thoughts in comments and vote for this story!!
Love, yooma<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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