I let Blake go with one last harsh push and he groaned in pain as his hands immediately flew to his nose.

"Wonderful day my ass, I still don't like that guy." He said with a slight nasal voice as he rubbed his nose.

"You don't like anyone, you bleached narcissist." I stated and he only mocked me in a high pitched voice as he rolled his eyes.

I was about to strangle him but quickly got disrtacted when I catched the last part of Dominic's conversation with Killian.

"...they said it happened two nights ago. The son went to check on his younger sister through his mother's commands, only to find an empty bed and a shattered window." Killian said as he looked through some kind of document/file thingy.

"Who, what, where, why?" I asked urgently as I jumped over Blake's legs, who shrieked like a banshee.

My speed would've probably rivaled that of Usain Bolt's with how fast I ran to the chair in front of them.

What can I say, I'm one curious person.

Dominic and Killian glanced at each other before Killian looked back at me with a small grimace.

"It's...nothing you should worry about Leo." He said with a little hesitance.

"That's so unfair! I am literally taking you to my fashion show and making you model my clothes and you can't even tell me one, tiny thing about your work?" I asked accusingly as my inner actress and diva came out.

They began to sweat when I made one, lonely tear run down my cheek followed by a small sniff.

Dominic was the first to cave when he sighed and nodded at Killian in conformation to spill the tea. I clapped my hands in exitement with a big smile.

Ahh, how easy it is to manipulate people.

Killian handed me the file and the first thing I saw was a picture of a chillingly beautiful woman not older than 36. Her hair was as dark as night but her eyes were as bright as the stars.

Right beneath her picture was another, but this time there was a younger girl with a big smile playing on her lips. Her hair was a darker shade of blonde but her eyes were the exact same as the older woman's.

"Ok, so the people you're looking at are Valeriya Aslanov, the leader of the Russian Mafia or more commonly known as 'Koroleva d'yavola' which means 'Devil's Queen' in Russian and her daughter. Valeriya's husband was the leader before her, but she killed him when she found out he was unfaithful and showed signs of verbal abuse against their children. She then killed every traitor and loyal follower of her deceased husband or just mainly people who pissed her off in some way. Her children, Sion Aslanov, 16 and Iris Aslanov 12, Sion being the next heir and leader of the Russian Mafia, are her only weakness but just because they're her weakness, doesn't mean they're not her strength. The daughter, Iris was claimed to be kidnapped two nights ago and Valeriya seeks help from all her allies in finding her daughter as quickly as possible." Killian explained and I must say, I think I like this Valeriya's vibe already.

I mean, women empowerment right.

"Well I hope you guys do your best to help her with her search and that she gets her daughter back safely, but I have to ask, how did she kill her husband?" I ask with intrigue and curiousity.

"Suffocated him with a pillow in his sleep and then threw him into a lake, but not before stabbing holes into his chest to make sure there's no air left in his lungs to make him float. She also...umm, chopped some things off and threw it into the lake too." Dominic said as he emphasised the word 'things' which caught all the boys' attention.

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