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Agfylia was a small island in the middle of a vast ocean. All of its inhabitants were cute, adorable fairies. Their job was to spread and float bottles with love messages in it to the whole world.

The Fairy Godmother, leader and chief of this island always encouraged her people to explore feelings of love and affection, and put it in writings. Every day, aside of their daily jobs and duties, all Agfylia people shared their feelings to one another through communication.

As the outcome, the fairies wrote love stories, messages and love advices on paper, copying them, putting them in bottles and then floating them on the ocean to reach the whole world. Of course, all of their stories were anonymous. So, the ones who found them either used the stories in their own love life or as a source of inspiration to make more love stories.

One day, a shipwrecked sailor found bottles with messages in it, followed the path of bottles and found Agfylia Island. As thanks to his saviors, he stayed in the island and learned from the fairies. Eventually, a ship found him and took the sailor in. Of course, the sailor didn’t reveal the fairies’ secrets to anyone.

Inspired by the love stories and letters, when the sailor returned to his homeland, he decided to settle down, gave up his work as a sailor and married the girl he loved.

As years gone by, the sailor wished he could return to the Island of Agfylia and express his gratitude to Fairy Godmother and her lovely subjects. As his responsibilities prevented him to do it in person, he decided to write letters, put them in bottles and float them on the sea. Who knows, one day one of them would finally arrive in Agfylia. So the fairies there would know that their efforts worth something after all.

Something worthwhile, precious and… miraculous.

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