The Origin of Everna, Omnia and Religions

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THE SOURCE Andry Chang

CODEX EVERNIUM - The Origin of the Omnia Universe, Terra Everna and Religions in Everna

In the beginning, there was only darkness and void. Everything was empty. Everything was nothing.

And then, a spark of energy emanated from that void, creating the first mass of energy and matter, the first ever consciousness, the first ever being in the universe.

The Source, what I called myself.

As time flew, I, The Source grew and became bigger and larger, like an embryo in an egg crust like a sun as large as all the stars and planets in the entire universe merged as one. As the force became too great and too compressed, I broke free from my crust through an ultimately massive explosion. It was a Big Bang, a Supernova.

The Supernova sent countless shards of my crust sun all over the universe. The shards then transformed into planets, stars, suns, comets and so on. Amazingly, the stars and planets aligned and resonated magnetically with each other, clustering themselves into solar systems, constellations and galaxies.

I, The Source who was born in the Supernova viewed the universe with joy and awe. In countless number of planets, there resided life forces so identical with their source, namely myself. I found out that I was not alone in this universe, and my joy was complete.

However, my being was too divine, too almighty and too great. I don't want to favor a certain planet, race or entity of life by staying in one of those planets. Moreover, I saw inhabited planets exploded and was destroyed so suddenly in their early ages. Then I knew at once I had a responsibility to save all lives in that temporary "crude-crust" universe I called Omnia, not letting them all disintegrated into oblivion.

So, I, The Source used my infinite, almighty powers to create another universe that was truly eternal, divine and indestructible, not like this "crust", Omnia. It was a divine universe called Aethera or simply "heaven".

From heaven, I looked upon all the cycles of life and the entire universe. I observed how creatures in a world evolved into something better, more alike me. The world that evolved most rapidly was Terra Everna. So, I considered Terra Everna as one of my favorite worlds in Omnia, and observed it most eagerly.

Ages and centuries went past. I, The Source ceaselessly strived to reach the countless realms of Omnia. My longing to invite the mortals to enter and live in Aethera, the realm eternal of my creation intensified and became unbearable. Of course, I have also created divine, heavenly beings including angels. However, their sole purpose was to serve the light. They lived like flashes of a single, white light, and the mortals lived like a rainbow, so colorful and exciting, full of variations, emotions and sometimes... adventures. Without these colors, truthfully, I felt very lonely, so lonely like hell.

Speaking of hell, that loneliness roused the deepest, darkest and negative aspect within myself, The Source. My dark side then created another universe of darkness, a realm called Nethera or simply "hell". For a time being, Nethera was an empty realm. It became my playground, the place where I dumped all my loneliness and boredom. There, I went one one challenging and dangerous adventure after another, just for fun and sport. After that, I went back to my chores in heaven.

As expected, the evolution in Everna reached the final stage the earliest in the entire Omnia. The highest entity is was divine, but limited to each task and talent. They were called gods or dios.

I, The Source was overjoyed because my long-awaited opportunity came at last. I planned to use the gods to invite mankind, the most complete mortals near and alike me to "come home" and stay in the realm I've created, the true heaven, Aethera.

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