The Beast

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As the ten minutes approached their end, people seemed to get more and more excited. Once the time was over, the gates started to open, and the crowd went crazy with whistles and cheers.

From the darkness behind the gate, a man emerged. The first thing Violet noticed was that the man was much bigger than anyone she had seen. He had to be over 6 feet tall, with thick muscular arms and legs, broad shoulders and a wide back. The second thing she noticed was that he was naked. His skin, except for some patches covered by red hair, was exposed. His cock seemed to be slowly getting hard, and Violet gulped at its size.

Trying to distract herself from that, she looked up. His face was barely visible behind a curtain of long red hair that fell in front of it. But what Violet could definitely notice was a perverted smile that sent waves of fear down her spine. She raised her sword and shield, trying to control her shaky body. The monster smiled and started to run towards her, each step shaking the ground under Violet's feet. As soon as he walked into range, she swung her sword, aiming at his belly. The man had anticipated that movement and, with surprising speed and obvious strength, he used the back of his hand to hit Violet's arm. The impact sent the sword flying away from Violet's hand. She had no time to process the pain. He tried punching her, and Violet had to use her shield to defend herself. The metal clanged loudly, denting.

Although the shield protected her from what could be a deathly blow, it did not stop the entire force of the punch. She felt a sharp pain on her shoulder, but she still raised her shield to block a second blow. This one made her lower her arm, her shoulder already feeling numb. Without her guard, it became extremely easy for the man to grab Violet by the frontal straps of her armor.

He lifted her, as Violet shook her legs and body trying to get loose. As she raised more and more, she could see the monster's face more easily. His yellow eyes were upsetting by themselves, but their lustful and amused expression gave her an intense fear. The fear, however, was quickly replaced by rage. Ignoring the pain on her shoulder, she used her shield to hit him in the wrist. Whether by pain or just shock, he released her.

Violet landed on her ass, and her shield rolled away from her. Before she could reach for it, the man put his feet over it. She looked for her sword. Realizing that it was behind the man, she only found one solution. Running.

She got up and sprinted, hoping to get a head start on him. Violet didn't need to look back to know she was being chased. The sound of his steps was clear enough to tell. As they grew closer, she leaped and rolled on the ground, successfully avoiding his attempt to grab her. However, he quickly turned on his feet. Cornered, Violet crawled into one of the hollow logs.

The man roared behind her, as he tried to slide his arms inside her hiding spot to grab her. Violet sighed in relief when she noticed he couldn't reach her.

Her relief lasted what that sigh did. She heard a loud snap, as if the log had been split open, and then a hand grabbed her ankle. Violet screamed, trying to hold onto anything. But the man was stronger, and he pulled her out as the crowd cheered. Before she could react, he was on top of her. His hands went to her armor and ripped it open as if it was made of paper. Tears had started to appear on Violet's eyes. The monster chuckled.

—You're feisty... —he said, in a grave voice.

The only thing Violet could do was look at his body, fully covering her. She noticed multiple scars across his body.

—You like 'em? They are all from feisty prey. Now, I have this new one —He showed her a cut that the shield made on his wrist— Want me to return the favor?

—N-no! Please I'm so- —Violet's begging was interrupted, as she was quickly turned over by the monster.

With her belly down and her ass up, she tried to crawl away. But his grip was tight.

—I'll enjoy this.

After she heard those words, she felt his thick cock slide inside her pussy. She let out a scream that turned quickly into a moan. She felt his nails dig into her skin, groping her breasts with a tight grasp. The feeling of being filled and rubbed so violently started to slowly wear her mind away, as pleasure and pain became completely indistinguishable. She could only focus on how it felt to have her pussy rammed against, her curves groped and manhandled, his weight pressing against her back, the warm breath of the monster on her nape... And the warm juices dripping down her thighs. She tried to utter words, attempting to beg. "Please, don't fuck me like that".

—P-please... fuck... M-me —were the words that left her mouth.

—As you wish —he teased, chuckling.

He stopped his thrusting. However, Violet kept moving her hips, her mind almost gone. The monster's hands grabbed her waist, violently forcing her to get up and then lifting her in the air. Before she could react, he made her turn her back at him, and let her fall on his cock, letting gravity help him reach as deep as possible into her. She moaned, feeling her own weight pulling her down and making him go deeper and deeper. Still holding her, he made Violet move up and down using the grasp on her waist, showing her off to the crowd.

Loud screams and moans left Violet's mouth. She tried to beg, to plea, to say anything, but she could only mumble out unintelligible sounds, as her mind went blank. She started to jerk and shake, moving her head randomly, her hands shaking in the air, not knowing what to grab onto. She barely felt the deep bite that the monster left on her shoulder, although it made her moan loudly. After that, she went completely numb. She forgot about the crowd, the pain, the air... All she could feel was her pussy being fucked deeper each thrust.

—Did you break already?! That's not fair! —the monster groaned, pushing her away and letting her roll over on the grass.

Violet's body was almost entirely limp, except for some sporadic jerking, as if it was still being fucked.

—Come on! React! Beg! Talk!

—P-Please... —she begged, in the weakest voice.

Instead of pleasing him, he became angrier and grabbed her face with his meaty hand.

—Louder! I want you to beg and scream and cry like you did before! Do it, or I'll make you! —He clenched his fist in front of her face and then punched the ground next to her.

—S-stop! Please! I'm s-sore! —she cried out, unable to control her own body as it jerked and squirmed.

The monster smiled, pleased, and grabbed her waist to pull her closer. He rammed his cock in Violet once more. As the thrusts made her body shake, a tiny smile built up on her lips. Her mind was gone, with only one thought left. "Pleasure". Her eyes rolled back and her back arched as she reached an orgasm. But he didn't stop there. He kept moving, although Violet could not feel it anymore. At some point, he pulled his cock out and Violet felt how a warm, thick, and abundant load was let out on her body.

—You're lucky he doesn't let us breed you. I guess he wants that honor —he said, standing up.

He slowly walked away, with cheers from everyone as he left the arena.

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