Chapter 3 - Goodbye Scotland

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The child woke to the sound of screeching breaks outside. A blue and silver car pulled up next to the hospital as Amelia opened her eyes and began to wake up.

The nurse lifted her out of the metal crib and changed her quickly. Amelia was dressed in a white blouse and scarlet red pants.

" There" mumbled the same nurse that cared for Amelia the night before "Now you will look nice for your Auntie Sharon". Little Amelia stared up at the nurse with tired, but curious eyes. She closed her eyes and smiled up at the nervous nurse. The smiled back, not in happiness, but in love and worry.

Mrs. Longstead was a taller, middle aged woman with caramel hair, pinned up into a neat bun. She looked at the child with a sense of pleasure and gave her a warm smile.

She took the baby and cradled it as if it were her own.

"I cant stand to tell the child about her parents..." she whispered. She kissed the child and strapped her into a carrier in the cab's backseat.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice"

"That is alright" replied Mrs. Longstead "It's what my sister would've wanted for the baby. By the way, what us the child's name, praytell?"

"Her name is Amelia, Amelia Pond" replied the flustered nurse as she handed the woman a bottle of formula for the road.

"Amelia Pond...what a lovely name. I do believe she will grow to be a strong, beautiful young woman. Thank you for your help Miss" stated the aunt.

She nodded and stepped into the vehicle. A short man with a cab drivers outfit closed the door with a gentle slam and nodded to the worried nurse before he stepped into the drivers seat and started the engine. He pulled away from the rural hospital as Mrs. Longstead watched it fade away.

She took Amelia from the carrier, bringing the child to her chest and slowly rocked the infant to sleep, watching her eyes flutter until they rested in a dormant state. Realizing that she was sleepy as well, she closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

She pulled Amelia close to her as the began the journey home and dreamt of the little girl with the deep hazel eyes that she would hold so dearly in years to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2015 ⏰

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