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I turned my car into the parking lot where the wedding was being held. This place is often used by young couples who want to hold their wedding party. The three of us got out of the car, I locked my car door, I walked behind my mom and dad.

I looked from a distance, it turned out that Mike's brother was having a wedding party in the style of a garden party. The venue is cool, shady and the location is easy to reach. Rustic, Casual, Vibrant and Greenery are the right words to represent this wedding party.

There are various sweet touches on each side of the venue, starting from white lanterns, white cloth hanging from the surrounding trees which makes the atmosphere more romantic, warm and relaxed. For the wedding decoration, Mike's family chose a white macrame concept that fits perfectly with the surrounding leaves.

After filling out the guest book, we walked to the wedding party. I saw in front of me my father started greeting a lot of people he knew. Sometimes my dad would pull me over to introduce me to them. Apparently many of them were enthusiastic and recognized me, they didn't expect me to have changed from a little girl to a young woman.

This is always sucks when I have to fulfill my duties as an elder. I have to remind myself that I'm going to kill Ann for doing this to me. But this time I think it's okay to do this, anyway I still benefit from doing this, I'm going to meet Mike. He's the only one who can make me happy to attend this wedding.

We walked until I saw the bride standing in front of us. They both look charming, perfect and harmonious. I could see that they were very happy, the groom seemed to really love his bride. I had forgotten what Mike's brother looked like.

The bride's wedding dress was made simple, with a choice of white color, but was given a bold and catchy touch. As for the groom, he uses a gray color that fits the color palette. Their appearance was sweetened with a hand bouquet and boutonniere.

"Congratulations on your marriage. Hopefully your marriage will last forever" I heard my father's voice greeting the bride. I still stand behind my parents. I saw my parents talking casually with the bride, until I heard my father calling me

"Sara, come here. Did you forget Brandon?" he pulled my hand to move closer to him. I smiled awkwardly and greeted Brandon and his wife.

"Sara, turned into a woman now. The last time I saw you was when you were kid. You were so cute and adorable back then. Did you know you used to play with Mike at our house?" he said excitedly. He look so surprised when he saw me.

I smirked "Really? I don't think I remember that. Congratulations on your marriage, Brandon. Hope you and your wife will be happy forever"

"Have you met my father? My father really wants to meet you" he said suddenly, his eyes looked sparkling.

I shook my head "I haven't met Uncle. I haven't seen him in a long time and I miss him"

I saw Brandon look around then he squealed with joy while pointing behind me "There he is. Hurry up and meet my dad. He's waiting for you"

I looked behind me, and saw a middle-aged man standing with several people chatting. Even though I haven't seen Uncle Ben in years, I've never forgotten his face. He's a friendly, fun person and he used to always treat me like his own daughter.

Brandon suddenly tapped my shoulder, I was stunned "Hurry up and meet him"

I nodded, then walked alone towards Uncle Ben. I walked slowly, I saw Uncle Ben was still busy chatting with some people. I just silently stood next to him. Until I saw him turn to me.

I smiled gently and moved closer to him "Uncle Ben, do you still remember me?" Uncle Ben's face looked confused and curious.

He furrowed his brows, trying to dig into his memory "I've seen you before. I forget where I've seen your face"

"I'm, Sara... Uncle Ben. Mike's childhood friend. Do you remember?" I said softly in a half whisper.

Without a word Uncle Ben immediately pulled me into his arms "God, you, Sara? I miss you. I haven't seen you in a long time. Do you know today I'm looking forward to meeting you?" his voice sounded very happy.

I hugged him back warmly "I miss you too, Uncle Ben. It's been a long time we haven't seen each other, I wonder if you still remember me or not?"

He stared at my face while stroking my cheek "You've turned into a woman now. You're the little girl who used to sit on my lap. I remember you used to tease Mike. Ahh Mike? You should meet him. He's also looking forward to meeting you" he said with cheerful

I grinned as I squeezed his arm "Really Mike was looking forward to seeing me? Where is he now?"

Uncle Ben then put his arm around me, he said goodbye to some of the people he was talking to. After that we walked away from the people. All the way Uncle Ben hugged me tightly.

Uncle Ben is almost like my second father. If my father was cold and often sarcastic, Uncle Ben was the complete opposite of him. Uncle Ben is a warm, kind and friendly person.

We walked away from the crowd of invited guests. Uncle Ben led me to a nearby room. He seemed enthusiastic as we headed there.

When we reached the front of the room, Uncle Ben turned his head at me and whispered softly in my ear, he wants me to be quiet and not make a sound. I just nodded in confusion as to what he wanted.

Uncle Ben shouted from outside the room "Mike, why are you just stay inside that room all day? It's Brandon's wedding. You should have helped me greet the guests. You brat, hurry up and help me"

Soon we were standing near the door, I heard the sound of the door being opened a guy's voice sounded annoyed "I'm lazy, Dad. I don't want to greetings to your friends. If Sara is there, then I'm going out just for her."

That guy didn't seem to notice I was there. Uncle Ben quickly moved closer in front of me and covered me from that guy's sight "Get out now. I want to introduce you to someone" he said impatiently

The guy's voice was hoarse and deep "Don't match me again with some other girl. I just want to meet Sara"

"Are you sure you want to go against your father's orders now?" Uncle Ben's tone sounded threatening to that guy.

That guy came out of the room and stood in front of Uncle Ben "You suck, dad. I really don't want to do this. I told you I don't want to be set up with another girl."

Uncle Ben suddenly shifted, I could see in front of me, Mike, he who used to be kid, cute and  adorable has now turned into an adult man who is handsome and so charming. He wore a black suit with messy hair. I never thought I'd see him again, and now he's standing in front of me and it seems that reading the expression on his face he doesn't recognize me at all. Suddenly I miss him. I glanced at Uncle Ben, he smirked and put his hand around my shoulder.

He turned to Mike "Are you sure you don't recognize this beautiful young woman? Are you sure you don't want to meet her? Are you sure you don't want me to set her up?"

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