Chapter 4

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Victoria's wedding day came way too soon for her taste. Anne helped her get into the tight corset and white silk dress and long veil. The dress was beautiful, of course, but it could have been rags for all Victoria cared.
After they arrived at the church, Victoria walked slowly down the aisle to where Sir Gavin Moron was standing at the altar. They faced each other and the priest started talking.
"We are gathered here today to join the lives of Sir Gavin Moron and Miss Victoria LeVane," the priest said in a slightly nasal voice. "If anyone objects to this Union, let them speak now."
"I object!" Gabe yelled, bursting through the doors and running up the aisle. He pulled a sword from a wall decoration and challenged Sir Gavin. "Whoever wins will marry Victoria."
"I accept," Sir Gavin said, but as soon as the words were out of his mouth, the church doors burst open again and a woman in black pants and a black leather jacket ran in, followed by a bunch of men, also dressed in black. They were all holding guns.
"Stop! I'm Sable Booth of the Termination of Cliche Stories Association, and we are here because this story has become too cliché for the general public to read!"
"Whoa, what?" Gabe said, bewildered.
"You heard me," Sable answered. "This story is being shut down because if it is allowed to keep going, it will become the most terrible historical fiction love story ever written! You," she pointed at Victoria, "Are nothing but a sassy teenager who, like all other sassy teenagers, decides to be rebellious and date the guy you're not supposed to be with!"
"But Gabe and I love each other," Victoria said, starting to cry.
"My next point exactly! You might love each other, and that's why Victoria was going to marry Sir Gavin, and it's also why Gabe then tried to crash the wedding, but that's what always happens! And seriously, taking the swords off the wall? That doesn't even make sense! During this time period, there is no reason why you wouldn't just blow each other's heads off with guns!"
"I thought the sword idea was cool," Gabe muttered.
"Whatever. Anyway, you," she pointed at Sir Gavin, who was clearly very confused, "Are the same type of character who tries to marry the damsel in distress in every story like this! And you," she gestured to Victoria's parents, "Are the same type of controlling parents who are also in every story like this! The cliches are endless! So what do you all have to say for yourselves?"

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