Evelyn looked at him in shock. Her heart started racing - she knew she had strong feelings for him but didn't expect he would have them as well. She especially didn't think that others noticed the pull she felt.

"Thank you for saying those things. It's helped my nerves - some." Evelyn gave him a reassuring smile. "May I ask what you are planning on doing after you drop me off?"

"Truthfully, I don't have any plans today. I just knew Bucky would've been mad at me if I let you take an Uber. He wouldn't let my girl get in the car with a stranger and I won't let his," Steve said, winking at her.

"His girl huh?" Evelyn asked, smiling at him.

"Well - I mean," Steve said, noticing he overspoke.

"It's okay Steve. I'm not the kind of girl who dates multiple guys at a time. I hope our date this week goes well and we can cross the bridge of titles soon," Evelyn said smiling.

"Good, he'd kill me for mentioning you being his girl if you were against the idea," Steve said, relieved.

"I like the idea of being his girl," Evelyn blushed, "you know you can hang out with me at the VA today. It would help my nerves to have you there. And after you can buy me lunch for losing the bet."

Steve noticed that Evelyn had no clue about her date with Bucky after her visit to the VA. He smiled - hopefully Evelyn was the kind of girl that likes surprises. "Sounds like a great day."

Evelyn smiled widely at him as they pulled up in front of the VA and parked. "Steve, thank you for being a great friend to me."

Steve smiled at her, "Of course - now let's get these treats in here and cheer up some Vets."


As Evelyn and Steve walked into the building they made their way to the front desk.

"Good Morning, how can I help you?" the receptionist asked the pair.

"Good Morning, we are here by invitation of Roy White and Sam Wilson," Steve said, taking control of the conversation making Evelyn smile.

"I will page Mr. White. May I please have your names?" the receptionist said, picking up the phone,

"Captain Steve Rogers and Miss Evelyn Bennet," Steve said to the woman.

The pair stood to the side while Roy was paged. "You know Steve, that's the first time I've heard you introduce yourself as Captain," Evelyn said, putting her boxes on the counter while they waited.

"I don't do it often. I figured this would probably be a good place to use the title," Steve said looking around.

"Why don't you do it often?" Evelyn asked genuinely curious.

"I still see myself as the kid from Brooklyn that wanted to enlist in the Army and got lucky to be picked for the Super Soldier program," Steve said, shrugging.

"You are still the kid from Brooklyn - but you'd be hard pressed to convince me that you were chosen by luck. You were born to be Captain America, Steve," Evelyn said, smiling at him.

Before Steve could respond the Receptionist hung up the phone. "They are sending someone down to get you. I need you to sign in though."

After signing in the elevator dinged and a smiling Ken Wells stepped out. "Evelyn you made it!"

"Of course I did, Ken! And I brought a friend," Evelyn said, gesturing towards Steve.

"It's a pleasure seeing you again Corporal," Steve said, shaking the man's hand.

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