I hesitantly take Zeutron from Zac's nonresistant palm. Then I gingerly tuck my brother in. Wait, what am I doing? I turn to see if the phantom thieves were watching. I don't think they saw me.

Dusk takes out a tiny card and softly blows it into the room. It glides and lands at the bedside. He gives me a thumbs-up. I tiptoe back to the window and step out into the cool night.

I look back at Zac sleeping peacefully. The break-in was way too easy. He's so unaware and vulnerable. I'm sorry, Zachary...

"Lemme see!" Cancer hisses at me.

We're all on our way back to the cafe to hangout for the last few hours of darkness.

"No, I'll hang on to it," I insist grumpily.

"I thought I could hold our stolen stuff!" Cancer whined.

"Just let him this one time, apprentice. This was a treat for Nightfell, after all," Albus implores for me.

"Merci," I respond glumly. I really don't feel like Count Nightfell. But who can blame me? I stole from my closest friend, my own brother! This night can't get any worse.

I spoke too soon.

"Hey! Is that our Zeutron you're takin'?!" a husky voice called out from down the street.

All of us look ahead to see some silhouettes, and these silhouettes don't look friendly. The one in the center is large and buff. Must be the leader of the group.

"Who ever said it was yours?" Cancer snaps, then freezes. Why is he suddenly so tense...?

"Whaddaya know, it's the little guy. Hey, buddy! Have you been drinking your miiilk???" one of the men chirped. The others joined him in mocking the apprentice.

"S-Stop! I'm no buddy of yours!" Cancer fumed. I could see a gleaming dot of perspiration on his head.

"Aww, the baby's having a tantrum!~" another dude snickered.

"I'm a stinkin' apprentice, you gangsters!"

"You know these people, Cancer?" Dusk questioned quietly.

"They're a bunch of nobodies. Let's take them on," Cancer growled under his breath, getting into a battle stance.

"Wait, remember our code! We shall not get into physical violence," Albus reminded urgently.

"You wanna go, little guy? We'll beat you up along with your top-hat cronies!" The big guy takes out a club; the rest of the gangsters do the same.

"We're phantom thieves!" Seriously, how many times do I have to say it?!

"We can make a run for it," Albus suggests to Dusk.

"You can turn tail, but I'm not backing down from a fight!" Cancer grunts.

"We can't leave our apprentice behind," Dusk mutters. "So it is. We'll stay and dodge this one out. It'll wear them off, and we can leave peacefully."

"I can't believe this," I groan. Not in the mood, okay?

"Neither can I. All men really are the same..." Cygnus rants, then adds quietly, "... except you, Moony." At least she's with me.

The leader gangster roars as he charges at Cancer, who follows suit. They collide into a clash between bat and staff, and Cancer's doing surprisingly well. I just hope he's doing that solely for defense.

"Get the one with the Bey!" the leader demands as he holds off Cancer. The other thugs (four of them) run towards me with their clubs. I can't see our leader. Where did he go?

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