"You cooked with him yesterday." Kirishima points out.

"He asked me to teach him to make Soba, so I did. I also wanted to try and make it spicy" I say.

"You definitely looked like friends when you were helping him chop those onions-" Kaminari says, and I shoot him a glare which shuts him up pretty quickly.

"Are you into him or something?" Sero asks.

"I'm not into him. Why would I be into someone who I hate?" I ask them angrily. "And, he likes Deku." I sit back and cross my arms.

"Wait, no way? He likes Midoriya?" Kirishima asks.

"Yup. He told me himself." I say, looking over at them.

"He really told you that? Let's go and ask him!" Kaminari says, but Sero stops him.

"I don't think he wanted you guys to know that." He says, looking specifically at Kaminari. I forgot that Sero was close with Todoroki.

"We should help them get together." Kirishima says.

"That's not a good idea. Deku is fucking dense." I tell them. Plus, they would ruin my hard work right away.

"Yeah I agree. Everyone but him knows that Uraraka likes him." Kaminari chimes in.

"If anyone could get them together, it'd probably be Hagakure. She's sneaky, I know for a fact she spies on people." Sero says.

"She does?" I ask.

"How else would we know about you and Todoroki cooking together?" Kaminari snickers. "I wish she would've gotten a picture."

"I wish you would kneel over and die."

"Harsh." He says.

We eat lunch peacefully the rest of the time, talking about random things that don't really matter. The bell rings, and we get up to walk back to the classroom.

"Bakugou, can I talk to you?" Todoroki says as we're leaving.

"Fuck off."

"Fine. I won't help anymore." He says.

"Okay fine." I say. I'm the one who's helping. "What do you want?"

"Midoriya is asking about us. What should I say to him?" He says.

"Just tell them what I told Kaminari and them. That we're not friends. Say you hate me and were just doing me a favor." I tell him.

"I don't hate you though... I'm a bad liar too."

"You're impossible. God, just say you don't like me then. That's not too hard."

"Okay." He says.

"Actually... I think it would be good to keep him guessing. When he asks just get really flustered and embarrassed and he'll get jealous." I say.

"I can't do that on the spot!" Todoroki says.

"Just think of something then. You got really red when I got too close, so just think of that." I say, getting close to his face. His cheeks grow red, and I smirk. "Just like that. Let's go to class now, or we'll be late."

"Yeah..." He says quietly.

"Don't go to class looking all flushed. People will think we fuckin did something." I tell him looking over my shoulder at him.

"I know." He says.

We go to class normally. I, of course, get a few looks from Kaminari but it doesn't bother me.

Our classes after lunch are usually Japanese, training, and then lastly its a study hall so we can get some of our work done. Except today, Aizawa is standing in the front of the classroom after the bell rings for study hall.

"Alright, since there's been more villan activity lately, we're going to intensify your training. Which means instead of one period a day, it'll be two. That also means no more study hall." He explains. Iida raises his hand. Looks like he has another stupid fucking question or another dumb thing to say.

"Does this mean we'll have to study on our own?" He asks. No shit, dumbass.

"Yes. And to make sure you do, you'll be put in study groups. I'm trusting you guys to put in the work after school to study and not just mess around." Mr. Aizawa says. "And no, you can't pick your groups. The groups have already been made." Mostly everyone groans with disappointment. They don't want to be put with idiots like Kaminari.

"The study groups are supposed to help you with teamwork, and maybe you'll learn something from your fellow students. I'll read the groups off now. This is the last study hall you'll have, so meet with your groups and study." He says.

"Can we study by ourselves?" Someone else says.

"If you don't show up to your study group I'll take points off your worst grade." He says. "Now, group one will be Hagekure, Aoyama, Ojiro, Mina, and Yaoyorozu. Grouo two..." I dont pay attention until I hear the final group get called. Mr. Aizawa has to hate me or something.

"Group Four, Bakugou, Midoriya, Ochaco, Kaminari, and Todoroki. Everyone get with your groups now." Mr. Aizawa says.

This man definitely hates me.

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