Meeting Them

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     "So, I'm being dispatched to another group?" You asked the man beside you. He was tall with light brown skin and brown eyes, much like almost every other soldier in the Republic Military. A couple things set him apart. One was his hair. He had it buzzed and dyed blond, different from the dark brown, short hair of the others. The other was his armor. It was accented with blue with the notable shoulder pads of a captain. His helmet was tucked under his arm as he walked through the corridor beside you.

     "Yes, ma'am." He said. "You've been a pleasure to have in the 501st, but the general believes we finally have enough medics to spare for other platoons."

     "I see." You said, a little sad. When you volunteered, you were immediately sent to work with the 501st, as they were short on medics. You've been with them so long and have become close with them. It would be sad to leave. The man laid a gentle hand on your shoulder.

     "Don't look so down. It's only temporary." He said with a warm smile. You returned it as you came up to the hangar you were told to meet your new platoon, gripping the strap of your bag. You exchanged a look with the soldier.

     "So what are the soldiers like in this particular group?"

     "They're Clone Force 99. Some around here call them 'the Bad Batch.'" He said with a smile. You raised an eyebrow at him. Before he could explain further, the door slid open and you looked ahead.

     Among all the rushing soldiers and droids was a docked ship with four men standing outside of it. You could tell they were clones, yet they looked unique. The first one was a large man, towering over the others. Even from where you were standing, you could hear him laughing and shouting with the others. The one next to him was taller as well, with short-cut, gray hair and a crosshair tattoo over his right eye. His features and figure were leaner and his eyes were sharp. The next was more of an average height with short brown hair and large glasses. He was too focused on the data pad in his hands to pay much attention to the others. And the last was an average height as well, with longer, dark brown hair and a red bandana. A skull was tattooed on half his face and his eyes skimmed the area. They all wore armor colored with red, black, and white.

     "That's them." Rex said before leading the way toward the ship. You looked at them nervously before following him. You decided to let him do the talking. As you drew near, the man with the bandana set his gaze on the two of you and you felt your nerves act up. He stepped up and gave Rex a nod.

     "Good to see you, Captain. Hope the boys in the 501st haven't been too much trouble." He said. Rex snickered.

     "You know them. They're nothing BUT trouble." He replied. The man in front of you chuckled before his eyes landed on you, making you tense.

     "And this is our new medic, correct?" He said and Rex nodded.

     "Not a finer medic around. She's served me and my men well. Saved our skins more times then I can count." He replied. "Knowing the scraps you bunch get into, you'll need her." The large man let out a loud laugh.

     "She'll have her hands full, that's for sure!" He said, crossing his arms. Rex turned to you.

     "This is Hunter, Tech, Crosshair, and Wrecker." He said, gesturing to the man in front of you, the one with the datapad, the man with the gray hair, and the large one. "They'll be your assigned unit for the next five months." You looked at them and gave them a smile and a small wave. Hunter, who gave off the stance of a leader, took a step toward you and extended a hand. You worked up the nerve to take it and give him a firm handshake.

     "The honor's ours." He said. He leaned away and turned to Rex once again. "Has she been briefed?"

     "I gave her a run down of everything but you'll have to explain the details." He answered.

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