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Chris stumbled to the edge of the tree line and studied the scene in front of him. The very tree the Monroe family were executed from stood just yards away from where the teen was standing, almost daring him to come closer. Just next to that, were the final resting places of the killer family.
Chris winced, holding his injured arm closer to his chest as he decided to get closer. His eyes were glued to the dead husk of the tree. It's leaves were long gone and the bark was dry and peeling off in chunks. At the base of it, sat the six ominous gravestones. They were sinking into the ground and crumbling with age. Moss and vines covered the names and dates. Chris felt nauseous looking at them.
He backed away and turned around. The barn was chipping and falling apart at the seems. Only a few specks of red paint stood out among the rain rotted wood. The roof was partially caved in and was close to collapsing entirely. The house, though in visible disarray, still stood as if it were built only a few years ago as apposed to nearly a century ago. The windows were shattered and dirty. The white paint was chipped, moldy and termite ridden wood lie under it. The roof had bald patches from years of weather tearing off the tiles. It stared at Chris forebodingly.
         The boy backed away and stood in the middle of the abandoned area, taking notice of the wide field that once held the family's crop. He groaned as a twinge of pain shot up his arm. His attention was redirected when he heard rustling coming back from where he came. Panicked, Chris snuck into the barn and peeked out from one of the rotted holes in the wall, clutching his knife tightly.
         Anxiously he waited for the unknown person, or creature, to burst out into the clearing. To his relief, Julia bounded out into the clearing and looked around. Chris came out of his hiding spot and called to her. "Julia"!
         Julia's scared eyes landed on him and she grinned in relief. It vanished as quickly as it came when she noticed the blood covering his arm and clothing. She ran to him and wrapped him in a careful hug.
"Are you ok"?
"I've been better".
"What happened".
          Chris explained the wolf attack and how he ended up here. Julia took off her jacket and created a makeshift sling.
"Did you see anyone else"?
"Just you so far".
         Almost on cue, another rustle came from the woods. Caleb and Candy ran out. "Guys"! Chris called to them. They scurried over to him and Julia, hugging them.
"Jesus, Chris! What happened to you"? Candy questioned loudly.
"One of those wolves got me".
"We had a run in with two of those brothers. Candy knocked them out". Caleb huffed out.
"I don't know how long they'll stay that way. They looked possessed", Candy added.
"I think they are".
        The three looked at Julia. "Do you remember what that ghost kid said to us? Well that Gavin kid said; 'I told you this was only the beginning'. Then while I was hiding, the oldest one, Tanner, said something like; 'Me an' my boy's will take you and the rest of your friends to meet the missus'". Caleb looked at Candy. "They were saying something about us meeting 'Momma'.... oh shit".
"Yeah, 'oh shit'", Chris confirmed.
"And that's not the weirdest part". Julia continued.
"What's the weirdest par"?
         Before Julia could elaborate, Hunter and Layla came gasping and sprinting out of the woods. They crashed into their friends and whipped back around, staring back in the direction they had run from. "What happened to you guys"? Chris asked.
"Melody and Gordon Monroe happened", Hunter sputtered.
"They chased us all the way here, then disappeared once we got closer".
         Now the group was on high alert, fixated on the direction the pair had come from. They waited for either the ghostly children or the possessed trio to follow suit, but nothing happened. It was quiet. They hesitantly turned away and faced each other.
"What the hell happened to your arm, Chris"? Layla interrogated.
"Wolf attack", he answered weakly.
"You guys", Hunter gestured to Caleb and Candy.
"Possessed teenagers. Same with Julia, but she was gonna tel us something else before you guys showed up".
         The group faced Julia. "Well, while I was hiding from Tanner, or Jameson Monroe, he ran off into the woods because he heard a loud crash. I don't know what it was, but when I went to escape.... Jordon appeared in front of me. He looked pale and his voice was miles away. He told me that we had to put a stop to the Monroes or there would be other victims. Then he mentioned that, 'they couldn't do it' and he vanished. He didn't tell me what to do or how to do it".
        Her friends stared at her in shock. A strong gust of wind bombarded them, nearly pushing them over. To their amazement, voices followed the wind; whispers of unfamiliar and familiar voices.
"Help us".
"Destroy the house"!
"You must stop them".
"Burn it all".
"Burn the Witch"!

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