So The Dramatic Prom Night

Start from the beginning

"I need another balloon up here!" A male Magic Rock Troll called as he was on the ladder, putting the balloons above the stage.

A male Country Troll blew a pink balloon, and yelled, "Here you go!" He kicked the balloon up for his classmate to reach.

A female K-Pop Troll carefully placed a large bowl of punch with lemon slices in it.

"That's a lot of punch!" the female Magic Techno Troll chuckled.

Just in time, at the entrance, the Normal Trolls arrived together, and looked amazed around the room.


The Magic Musical Troll students didn't mind the Normal Trolls coming in as they were too busy and excited arranging and decorating the gym for tonight's event.

"What's going on here?!" Synth inquired.

"Look at this place," Poppy exclaimed, "It's like someone is having a birthday party!"

Just then, Aggie flew up above the stage to attach the spotlight.

Trollex spotted her and called while waving his hand, "Hey, Aggie!"

Aggie heard her secret boyfriend's voice as she looked at the entrance, "Hey, guys!" She flew towards them in excitement, "You're just in time!"

"What's a-goin' on here? Why are thay ...uhh students decawating thay ...uhh whowwl school? Especially thay ...uhh gym?" Delta Dawn asked.

"It's prom night tonight!" Aggie said as two Magic Classical Trolls attached the banner above the stage, below the spotlights and balloons, with the word "PROM!"

"Prom night?" Prince D said confusingly.

"What in the world is a 'prom'?" Dante asked.

Aggie gasped loudly in horror, "YOU NEVER HEARD OF PROM?!" Her friends shook their heads, "Why, it's the most awesome night of all nights, Trolls! You see, when students are in their junior and senior year, they have this party that is held near the end of their high school years. It happens either once or twice in a lifetime. With junior proms, senior proms, and even combined!"

"Oh, it's a dance party! So, that means you won't have this dance anymore in future years?" Stereo asked.

"Well, since I'm now a senior, this is probably my last prom ever," Aggie responded.

Clampers heard the whole expiation as she Popped out her aunt's hair, and frowned, "Oh, that's sad."

Aggie smiled, "It wasn't that bad. That's why we're making the most of it! That's why prom nights are the event that we always remember. We have to wear something formal, like tuxedos for boys, and evening gowns for girls. They have to bring their dates, listen to their favorite songs, and dance all night. They even have to eat good food if they want a break from dancing."

"Well, hot dang! This here prawum sownds so fun!" Holly cheered while raising her front legs.

"So, Aggie, you said you're a senior, so that means you had your prom last year. What was it like? Is it a night to remember?" Branch asked.

Aggie's smile turned to frown, "Well, not exactly. It's like the night I don't want to remember... I was still dating Scarlet that night, and she didn't want to do anything with me, so I was stressed eating a lot of food."

"Aww, you poor dear," Trollzart cooed while patting Aggie's head.

"Don't worry, Aggie. This year, this is gonna be the prom that you want to remember for the rest of your life! It's gonna be Funk-tastic!" Rhythm reassured her.

Trollstopia Season 2: Harmonious LandWhere stories live. Discover now