4/??? (Michael Afton 3/???)

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Michael's POV:

Noah.... Why did you leave me? "I just saw Ennard and I thought he was cool so I went near him to check him out close." Noah said.  That is not a fucking reason for leaving me! You left me when I needed you. Selfish bitch. Noah came near me and kissed me. I kissed him back. My face turning red, Noah kissed me more. I kissed him again. 

Why would you kiss me? "I kissed you because I love you." Noah said. I love you to... 

Williams POV because yes:

Elizabeth, I came back with a Illusion Disc for you. "Oh thank you daddy!" She said as she put her Illusion Disc in. Oh you look good for a dead child. Way better than of the 🔪 souls. "Daddy, do you think mikey is alive, and can we go home?" Elizabeth, I do not know if he is alive or not I saw him when I went home to get a Illusion Disc. I mean we can go to home sense we have nothing to do sense we are dead. "Daddy, I miss Mikey, Evan/C.C/B.V." She said. I do not even know if C.C is even on earth Eli.

When they got to the house cause I am lazy do not blame me 🔪

Michael POV: 

Why is there noise coming out of C.C's  old room...? I should go inside... Wait... "Who the fucking hell are you!?" C.C said loudly and started screaming at me. About who I was and why I was in this house. Hey! You are the one who is in my house. "Who are you!?????." C.C said. I am Michael Afton, C.C. "EW get away from me ROTTEN CORPSE." That hurts you know. I hear a knock, stay here C.C I will talk to you later. 

 Hello? Who is it? "Michael Afton, open the door it is William and Eli." The man said. FINE I WILL OPEN IT. Come in I guess. "Mikey?" Eli said. Eli you should go to C.C's room. "Okay Mikey!"

Eli POV: 

Well I guess I will go into to C.C's room. WAIT C.C!? I hugged C.C as soon I saw him. "GET OFF!" Said C.C madly. No I still held onto him.

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