Soulmates (GN reader)

418 17 1

Narrator PoV

~~~~ The Quaestor decided that perhaps it is time to find there new soulmates that does not need to be in sort of any romantic relationships like the others in there past... Just someone who can accompany them for a while who doesn't care about there identity. Just someone who they can rely upon and enough to even able to trust them and there flaws.


Your PoV

"If soulmates were even real Goddesses, pls just one give that special person that I've been longing been needed in my heart, to fullfil my happiness to replace those sorrows"

I sighed I been talking to myself again ever since my parents die that day and my lover betrayed me at that same day. I never really know what is  happiness anymore and having trust issues is not easy for me leaving me no choice but to stay away from societies. I become antisocial person.

I lived near the outskirts forest of Vesuvia were most people don't go. Living peacefully here is nice but albeit lonely at a time. And being alone for too long does not help me at all as I often remember those days with them treasuring those memories before the event. I sighed I look up at the night sky full of stars as the moon shines bright and as the wind engulf me it's really fun watching stars. It helps me ease and my calm my mind.

As I lay down out here in meadow looking up the stars I didn't realize that I have fallen asleep out again...

I wake up and look up to someone being carried by an unknown person as I look carefully at their face they have a unique features bandages horns with a slight green skintone and a gentle smile it was calm...and oddly warm. And then darkness....


Quaestor PoV (uwu)

~~~ I leave my mansion to take along walk at the outskirt part forest of Vesuvia it's not far just a few miles away from here. As I was enjoying the night and the gentle breeze I can't help but feels like something is going to happen not a bad one as my instincts tells me. Few minutes of walking I reach a clear area were a large meadow is, down hill I saw a cottage near by the pond. As walk closer and  saw someone sleeping peacefully I think they have fallen asleep out here. I smile and look carefully at the persons face examining there facial features. Having porcelain skin a little masculine and has a feminine side they also have a soft silky hair. Just by looking at gives me these weird feelings making feel warm. Suddenly a glowing mark suddenly appear on there left hand... It's was the same as mine...

And from that on I realize they were the person I've been looking for I smile genuinely before deciding to carry them back to the cottage that I knew belong to them and put them to bed. Kissing there cheek putting heavy protection around the cottage and finally going back to my mansion. We're my preys are waiting uwu....

Word Counts 555

I know it's pretty short but I always enjoy making them and I hope you enjoy reading.

Stay safe and please do Vote ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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