"Come here." Vishwajeet gestures with his two fingers.

"Who? Me?" Abhinav tried to confirm pointing at himself.

"Who else is Abhinav here! Of course you. Now come here within a second." Vishwajeet ordered.

Anmol hesitantly walked to him.

"What is wrong with your face? Who did this to you?" Vishwajeet  held his jaw and asked seeing light purple mark on the side of his eye.

Abhinav and Anmol remembered that this mark must have been the result of what Karishma tried to flee.

"It's nothing third brother. It's nothing." Abhinav got away from Vishwajeet.

"The left side of your face is all purple and you are saying that it's nothing. Did you really get beaten up by someone? Who did this to you?" Vishwajeet was vexed even with the thought of Abhinav being harmed.

"No one has beaten me. It was just an accident." Abhinav muttered looking down as he is very easy to get caught when he lies.

"Are you telling me that someone punched you just by accident?" Abhinav really didn't make sense to Vishwajeet.

Now, this was the time for Anmol.

"That is right, Vishwajeet. It was really an accident. That wasn't something intentional." Anmol interrupted.

Vishwajeet might have not taken Abhinav seriously but he believes Anmol's genuineness a lot.

Vishwajeet got a bit closer to Abhinav and made him look in his eyes.

"If you to let someone touch your face then I would punish you first before going after that someone. Do you get it?" Vishwajeet threatened him.

Abhinav gulped.

"Ye...s. sss..Yes ....third brother." Abhinav somehow managed to speak.


"Yes third brother." Vishal responds with attention.

"Come with me." Vishwajeet said before walking.

Vishal nodded and followed him.

"He is scary even when he is shows concern." Abhinav signed catching his breath.

"I tried to take over things in the new hospital but parakram didn't let me in." Vishal was speaking to  Vishwajeet and Shiva in Shiva's room

"Do you think he has some motive behind it?" Shiva asks him.

"I do. The way he is trying to handle each and every thing there, I highly doubt him." Vishal isn't Reluctant while speaking as he usually is.

"Didn't you ask father that you want to handle new hospital's affairs?"Vishwajeet questions him.

"I didn't as I already knew that I won't be listened." Vishal answered in low voice looking down.

Vishal has always been looked down upon but everything is different when he is with Vishwajeet. Of course, he considers Vishwajeet as his elder brother and he respects him a lot but at the same time his rapo with Vishwajeet is better than with anyone else.

"Did you see or feel anything suspicious?" Shiva asks in reference of hospital.

"I have not gotten to enter there yet."

"What do you think we should do now?" Vishwajeet asks Shiva.

"First of all, we must have a good look around the new hospital. Parakram is very cunning. He must be doing something there."

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