hey, back from the dead 😬✌️

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hii guys 😬😃 i'm literally scared writing here rn cause I was gone for so long 😭

i'm not gonna lie, I have no actual reason or something..
I haven't updated because 1, school

gonna be honest with yall I wasn't very good in school this year so I had a lot to catch up on for finals and had to make my grades better so that took a lot of my time

2, I wasn't very inspired to write and I don't know if it's just me but I grew out of my jatp phase 💀 and trust me, it's a terrible feeling. I still love the show, the characters and cast but I'm just not that crazy anymore ya know?

so that's why I didn't update, I felt bad for leaving y'all hanging but honestly there was only like one or two more chapters so it's not a big deal

3, whenever I had something free time I was reading (I got back into reading and I'm obsessed atm) I'm binging a show with 15 seasons.. have a lot to catch up on 💀😭 and something that I'm very excited about... I'm working on my very own actual book!! I really wanna publish it of course it's still in process and I'm still trying to improve my writing for the better. I won't publish it anytime soon, maybe in a few years

anyway, I'm really sorry for those still wanted to read this book and waited.
I'm probably gonna end this book with that last chapter that y'all already read cause it's the latest update.

I'm not sure if anyone still is interested enough to continue for that one more final chapter so I'll probably end the book with the latest chapter as I said. It's not on cliffhanger anyway, it has a good ending cause they're official.

We'll see how many ppl will interact with this and based on that I'll end the book :)

I will post one more little author note later today to thank you all for the support on this book before I stopped updating.

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