Diamondhead  : He too strong!!!

  Diamondhead    touch the Ultimatrix symbol transform to

Ben : Upgrade!!!

Upgrade merge with  one of the HMMWV make the HMMWV upgrade into .HMMWV now have 2 50 cal gun big and green, 4 wheel now have spikes and have Ultimatrix symbol appear between 2  50 cal gun

Hybrid infected Larry roar at Upgrade , he immediately fly toward ben

Upgrade immediately fire an optic laser beam toward Hybrid infected Larry sent him  toward one of the watch tower


Bill : C'mon keep moving

All the girl running , enter Stryker 

Francis:  Don't look back

Louis: It that all ?

Zoey : No there are more coming

Back to ben

Hybrid infected Larry use both of his hands grab HMMWV throw to Upgrade 

Upgrade touch the Ultimatrix symbol transform to

Ben : Spitter!!!

Spitter  immediately  spit out slippery slime hit Hybrid infected Larry,Spitter touch the Ultimatrix symbol transform to

Ben : Buzzshock!!!

Buzzshock  immediately multiply  into 4 fly toward Hybrid infected Larry . 4 Buzzshock shoot out green-colored electricity from their hands make Hybrid infected Larry scream in pain. 4 Buzzshock multiply  back to 1 .

Buzzshock then look down see his ultimatrix blink green

Buzzshock  though : My ultimatrix almost ran out of power but I have one last time

Buzzshock touch the ultimatrix symbol transform to....

Ben : Way Big!!!!!!!

The group continued to look up at the giant creature in awe.Few of them were even shaking in fear. 

Louis: "Holy shit!" "Is that Ben?!"

Zoey : "I-I think so."

Bill :"Whoa! Why didn't he ever say he had a form like that?!" 

Francis: "He's...he's fucking huge!"

Hybrid infected Larry immediately fly  toward Way Big with full speed , but thank to  his size and immense strength. Way Big use his left  hands  hit Hybrid infected Larry like a bug, sent him  back to the ground then Way Big lift his right leg up and stomp Hybrid infected Larry , he do again and a again . Way Big look down saw  Hybrid infected Larry tried  to stand up 

Way Big : Time to end this one and for all!!!!!!

Way Big crossed his arms in front of him, forming a plus sign. Blue cosmic energy began to amalgamate around the center of the plus. Without wa moment, the To'kustar fired a powerful emerald beam of energy toward Hybrid infected Larry .  Hybrid infected Larry scream in pain, tried to shield himself with both his arms  but he fail , then a big explosion appearance carrying for miles

Way Big look down he not see Hybrid infected Larry anymore , he only  saw a big hole

Way Big who was breathing hard in exertion,The ultimatrix blink red

In a flash of green light  Way Big  turn back to ben

Louis: "That...was quite a transformation,"

Bill: "I'll say!"

Francis  : "That was awesome!"

Zoey : Yeah... But why didn't you tell us you had something like that?!

Ben weakly smiled. "Never really came up in a conversation."

Louis:...  so what now ?

Bill: We need to get out of here before------

The hordes and special infected are coming

Francis : Uh oh....

Bill : I don't like this

Ben : They must have saw Way Big

Zoey : Ben ?!

Ben look down see the ultimatrix is red 

Ben : My ultimatrix will need 20 minute to recharge before I can use it again

Louis : I think we should use our old school

Bill take  prepare m4 16 gun, 

Zoey lay down  prepare barrett m107 gun

Francis prepare Saw M249, 

Louis prepare p90

Ben prepare  grenade launcher

To be continue .....

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