Chapter two

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The sun was up as Ava donned her jacket and got ready for the day's activities.
She hated her alarm clock for having broken the previous day and letting her face this predicament. She ticked that in her imaginary diary that she must get an alarm clock while coming back.
She opened the door to the parlor and got startled on seeing Henry sitting on the stairs reading a magazine, this man will forever remain a mystery to her she thought to her self and strided to him.
"Hey! Why did you do that" she yelled.
Henry sighed and gazed at her,he looked drop dead gorgeous with his loosed cotton long sleeves and silk hair. Ava was forced to involuntarily move back.
Must you always tell at people...I don't like noise"
You're sitting there and anyone would ask the same thing" she puffed her cheeks .
Henry stood up and went closer to her nudging her " how about I stand her"
Ava's cheeks became red like cooked shrimps,he looked cute why acting that way but still annoying.
She sighed and walked to the door .
" Wait"
Henry spoke and she halted the turned to him " what"
What's your name"
It finally dawned on her that they've been wrangling at each other and haven't had the chance to introduce themselves properly.
"I'm Ava...Ava Ad".
Henry smirked " not like I'm interested in knowing your name though".
You're such an annoying jerk" she snarled
" What did you make for breakfast"
He's such a shameless man,after bossing around he's still got the guts to ask her that.
" Frozen chicken, noodles,fried rice?" He continued
" No".
She opened the door and left.
After starring at the door for a while,he headed to the dinning table and saw what she made.
" Petty foods" he mumbled to himself
• • •
Ava got to the office much later,she narrowed her gaze on seeing her colleagues around her table like bees.she got closer and dropped her bag then sat down.they all mobbed around her with their eyes glimmering with a lot of  questions.
          "Don't you have things to do?.she asked them.
         " We heard Henry is a big celebrity in California and has come here on a project".Nelia answered looking all excited.
She had her doubts about Henry the previous day.he looked extremely mesmerizing,she spent her night surfing the internet trying to get some things about him and she did.

       " Unfortunately he got robbed" Kelvin chipped in nodding his head in pity.

       "Why didn't he show them his passport,those robbers would have known how rich and famous he is or maybe he had a disguise?" Miriam said.
Ava self control was about to betray her,if only they knew what she had to go through last night.

        "What did you guys talk about...did he tell you how it feels like to work in a movie industry?"Nelia asked wagging her invisible tail.
Ava bowed in frustration and let out a fleet smirk then looked up at them.

        " He's hot and breath taking,Ava please tell us!.. please!!!" Miriam kept nudging her but she became like a glacier who didn't bulge.
It seems she's the only one who's not interested in talking about how hot and breath taking he was but she had no doubts he was.

          " Living in  a rooftop automatically makes the two housemates because they share the same parlor,the same verandah ,they get to see each other every single day and their bounds keeps increasing"
They were all focused on what Nelia was saying and didn't realize it when Ava quietly left them.

      " She didn't even say anything" Kelvin starred at her retreating back.

        " If only he didn't put on that disguise,I would have known it's him and gladly accepted him to be my own  rooftop neighbor" Nelia spouted with alot of regret oozing out from her voice.
Miriam raised a brow " you already have a boyfriend and Kelvin still has eyes on you" she mocked and immediately Nelia's countenance changed.
        " That's not true" Kelvin rebuffed
     " Miriam,you had better kept quiet there"
She hated it when she's been tag along with that annoying kelvin.she has never in her life seen someone as useless as Kelvin and yet all the time,her name is been mentioned with his.

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