Part 4: Faint

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I just let him lead me around, which made our situations reversed. His hand was soft and held mine as gentle as he could. He didn't squeeze tight or even that loose, it was just enough to make me feel protected.

For some reasons, this made me remind of the moment I was with him. We both were just roaming around, too, while he held my hand. I looked at the back of Douglas, noticing how similar they were.

He had the same dark brown hair, not too long and not too short either, the same built, but Douglas was taller, since he was older than him I remember. Douglas turned to look at me and there I realized how his eyes deemed gray, different from his light brown eyes that made me captivated every time he looked at me.


My thoughts quickly faded as I heard my name being said. I glanced at Douglas who was giving me a concerned look. "Yeah?" He faced me and put both his hands on my shoulders, shaking me lightly.

"I was asking you something, but you weren't listening. You seemed to be preoccupied of something, while staring at me. I didn't know I was that attractive." He smirked, making me gape at him. I pushed him slightly.

"I beg to differ." Then stuck my tongue out as I made my way pass him. Here he was again, chuckling at my reaction. Why the hell have I thought about him anyway? This is why I hate European guys; they all remind me of a certain browned hair boy.

I stopped at my tracks when I noticed a crowd forming outside Borders. What was happening anyway? I instantly walked toward the scene outside my favorite shop in the world.

I tiptoed to get a clearer glimpse to what the commotion was about, but to no avail. So I squeezed my way to the crowd, earning a few violent remarks from others.

"Eliana! Eliana!" I heard my name being shouted, but I ignored it as I reached the middle of the commotion. There in the middle was a stack of newly published book. Damn, this was the book I was waiting for years! Better, it was a signed copy!

I was wondering why people didn't walk near it, so I asked a certain person beside and told me that it was done through question and answer. I got all hyped up and excited, since I basically knew everything about the author and the book itself.

Then the emcee - I think he was - stepped in front with a microphone and a card in hand. My body was shaking with excitement as the emcee announced that the first question was in his hands, making the crowd silent clearly not wanting to mishear the question.

"First question, ladies and gentlemen, what was the author's -"

The emcee stopped when suddenly we heard a scream from behind. Everyone's attention turned to the girl.

"Help! There's a guy who fainted in here!"

My heart beat fast as her sudden announcement made me nervous. Instinct told me to move my feet toward the guy who fainted. Everyone surrounded the guy, not giving him air. I looked over the crowd, trying to see who the guy was.

That's when I noticed the mop of brown hair.

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Haven't you guys heard of give some space? The guy fainted! Give him some air please! Move away!" I shouted, actually realizing how I remembered something in Health class. Well, if it was just a random guy then I would have cared less, but no.

People then gave way as the emcee guy helped me by announcing what I said through the microphone, so everyone actually heard it. I mentally noted to thank him later.

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