chapter 4

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I awoke confused as hell. Where was I? Why did half my body feel cold while the other half warm and up against something hard. Where was Jayla?


My eyes flew open. I was trying to focus on my surroundings as remembered everything that happened.

"Good. You're awake." Kyros said, practically dumping me on the floor.

I couldn't believe I had actually fallen asleep in his arms. What the hell was I thinking? I wasn't safe, and Jayla definitely wasn't safe around these vamps. Why was I being so stupidly careless?

"Where's Jayla?" I asked assuming I would get an answer from Kyros. He ignored me and just walked out of foyer, I guess I wasn't worth his time. He was the horrible creature here, not me. If anyone got to be all snooty it should be me.

Cristinah walked into the foyer before I could do anything stupid, like attack the leader of this little makeshift clan.

"Come on, I'll take you to Jayla." She said before I could even ask the question.

She was acting cautious around me, like she was afraid to frighten me off. I didn't know much about them so I guess it was best to play the frighten human a little longer, no point in giving away my secret. My mother always said that surprise was my best weapon. There weren't a lot of human hunters out there. Most humans didn't know that werewolves and vampires existed. Almost all the hunters of vampires and werewolves in the world were dhampirs.

I tried to look nervous around her, acting like I wasn't sure if I wanted to follow her or not. But believe me, the only thing I wanted was for her to take me to Jayla. I needed to see how she was doing. I know she had been alive when I had dragged her into the river but maybe things had turned for the worst once she got here.

What if they had done something to her? My mother would beat me over the head for getting us, well Jayla, into this situation. The fact that I had let Jayla get hurt? I would surely pay for this.

"Come on. I promise you're safe with me. I just want to take you to Jayla. You must be worried about her."

I nodded. I was really worried about her. I needed to know she was okay. Not because it was my job but because she was my best friend.

I followed Cristinah up the same stairs from earlier. Again, I noticed that the wooden railings would make pretty good stakes if I needed weapons for any reason. I would just have to kick them out first. Cristinah lead me to a room down the same hallway from earlier in the night. If I remembered correctly, her room was just around the corner.

She opened the door for me and I rushed passed her. Jayla was on the bed, crying out. She didn't seem to be awake though. Titan was sitting beside her, a damp cloth in his hand. What the hell was he doing here? Why was he acting like he cared what happened to Jayla?

I tried to ignore his presence and just ran up to Jayla, her skin was an ash color. I could tell she was in pain. Why did this have to happen to her? We had all worked so hard to make sure that Jayla never found out about the supernatural world. Years and years of covering things up for nothing.

Her father had had a spell cast on her by a powerful witch so that the vampire blood in her and any abilities that she might have had would be dormant for as long as possible. The world for her would be safer if she had no idea about what was really going on around her.

My hand rested on her forehead. She was burning up, sweat was pouring off her like rain from a cloud. I knew what this meant. The werewolf venom was in her body. She would turn into a werewolf or die trying.

Jayla whimpered, clutching the blankets in her hands. I wanted to hug her and make her pain go away but I didn't have that power. Nobody did. She would have to go through this transformation.

I heard the door from the room open and turned in time to see Cristinah slip out. I could hear her talking to someone but that faded away. They must have walked off somewhere else for some privacy. I turned my attention back to Jayla.

I tried to ignore his presence and just ran up to Jayla, her skin was an ash color. I could tell she was in pain. Why did this have to happen to her? We had all worked so hard to make sure that Jayla never found out about the supernatural world. Years and years of covering things up for nothing.

Her father had had a spell cast on her by a powerful witch so that the vampire blood in her and any abilities that she might have had would be dormant for as long as possible. The world for her would be safer if she had no idea about what was really going on around her.

My hand rested on her forehead. She was burning up, sweat was pouring off her like rain from a cloud. I knew what this meant. The werewolf venom was in her body. She would turn into a werewolf or die trying.

Jayla whimpered, clutching the blankets in her hands. I wanted to hug her and make her pain go away but I didn't have that power. Nobody did. She would have to go through this transformation.

I heard the door from the room open and turned in time to see Cristinah slip out. I could hear her talking to someone but that faded away. They must have walked off somewhere else for some privacy. I turned my attention back to Jayla.

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