Chapter 1

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The scariest thing in the world has to be seeing your best friend being attacked by a monster and not being able to help her. The second scariest thing in the world was wondering what the hell I was going to tell her mom and even worst my mother.

My job for as long as I could remember was to protect Jayla. I was trained to do this. It was the only reason why my mother had adopted me. My mother, a dhampir, got saddled with me when she was asked to protect the precious daughter of the only man she has ever loved.

Too bad that that man had fallen in love with a human, a crime punishable by death within the covenant, and made a baby that the Covenant would kill if they ever knew that she existed. The Covenant believed that dhampirs only had one purpose in life and that was to kill there vampire parent. Love and family wasn't something that needed in their lives. They also worried about the powers that a child that was mostly human would get from their dhampir parent. Genetically advanced humans were a big no-no in the eyes of the Covenant.

I really didn't understand the prejudiced that the Covenant and most dhampirs had against humans though. The Covenant was using the offsprings of humans and vampires to do their dirty work and dhampirs were half human after all. My mother was one of those dhampirs that disliked humans. She couldn't stand me. She usually ignored me, unless Jayla was around. Then we have to pretend to be one big happy family.

I never understood why she had agreed to watch over Jayla and Janelle. When Arvins had found out that Janelle was pregnant, he had confided in his longtime friend, Derora, my adopted mother and asked for a favor. He wanted to keep Janelle, and the child they made, safe and far away from the Covenant that ruled over the lives of all dhampirs and put fear into all the supernatural creatures that went bump in the night.

Derora had agreed to go undercover as a single mom with a baby to keep the secret safe from the Covenant. She loved Arvins that much. She worshipped him, if I was being completely honest here.

Arvins was one of the most respected, and feared, dhampirs that ever existed. It is said that his father was one of the first vampires that ever existed. He usually did whatever the Covenant asked of him. His only mistake in life was falling for a human. At least that's how my mother puts it. He loves Janelle, and Jayla, more than his own life and that's why he was willing to risk everything to keep them safe from the Covenant that he respected so much.

I was probably gonna be put to death for letting Jayla get attacked, or worst, killed. After seeing the giant wolf-like creatures, I guessed that they were those werewolves my mother was always talking about. I'd never seen one in person but I was taught all about them while being train to kill all sorts of supernatural creatures that walked the Earth. I was pretty sure the ones that most frequent Texas were the Lykáns that were originally from Greece. I didn't really study up on them since I hadn't planned on coming to Texas or running into Lykáns for that matter.

Dammit! As soon as I had figured out that that Titan guy was a vampire, I should have found a way to get away. It would have been hard but I probably could have taken them or at least wounded them long enough to steal a car and get Jayla to safety but then Jayla would have learned that supernatural creatures existed. And I was told to keep her in the dark as long as possible. Plus, knowing about then beings wasn't fun. I was always worried about what was hiding in the shadows. My mother always told me scary stories when I was younger. Especially those about vampires and werewolves.

Sometimes I wished I hadn't been adopted by Derora. But then I wouldn't have met Jayla and I couldn't imagine a world without Jayla. Although, I had technically been forced to be her friend at first. That changed once we got older and I soon realized that being forced to be friends with her wasn't such a bad thing.

She was the kind of person that saw the good in all people and didn't like violence. After being trained to be a killing machine since the age of five, she was exactly what I needed to feel normal and be happy. She was probably the easiest person in the world to love and I really did love her. She was my best friend. My job of protecting her had nothing to do with that.

When I was with her, I didn't have to worry about training to be the best fighter I could be. I didn't have to worry about a mother that wouldn't even give me the time of day if it wasn't for the fact that I was taking care of the daughter of her love. With Jayla, I was the teenager I would have been if I had been adopted by a normal human family who actually wanted a kid. In the eyes of Derora, I was a weak human who didn't deserve her love.

I stared across the river. The stupid dogs weren't leaving. They were probably waiting to see if I would swim over to check on my friend. I wasn't stupid. I wasn't about to cross that river to have them attack me too. I had to survive this so I could bring Jayla home to her mom. Janelle wasn't too bad. She was just way too over protective of Jayla since Arvins told her what would happen if the Covenant ever found out about Jayla or if Jayla started to develop powers that would make her know to the Covenant.

I had to get her back on this side because it seemed that, for whatever reasons, the wolves wouldn't or couldn't come over to this side. Shit. I was gonna have to go back to that damn ranch to get those vampires to help me get Jayla back. I didn't trust them as far as I could throw them but they hadn't attacked us earlier so they were the safest bet at the moment.

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