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Johnny Pov
I woke up by Tucker who had told me that we needed to get Tate up and out of the hospital before their mom woke up.
He woke up Tate while I got all the stuff. We got excused by the doctor and ran out of the hospital and got in my car with me driving and Tate and Tucker in the backseats. When we arrived we quickly said goodbye and ran into our houses. About 3 hours later we arrived at school and went our separate ways. It was now 2nd period which is English class. I sat next to Tate and Hayden who were talking to each other until they saw me.
"What were you guys talking about?" I asked while getting my notebook out of my backpack.
"I was just telling Tate how boring English is," Hayden said.
"Yeah it is very boring don't you think?" Tate said while smiling.
"Yeah, it is," I said.
"Class for English today you guys will have to do a team project on a podcast that will be assigned to you," Mrs. Smith said.
"A team of 4 to be exact now hurry up and pick your partners," Mrs. Smith said.
"Tate, Johnny, and I but who will be the other one," Hayden said.
"Do you guys mind if I join your team?" a boy said.
"Sure," Hayden said. Then the boy sat next to us.
"I am Andrew by the way," he said.
"I am Hayden," Hayden said.
"I am Ta-" Tate said but was cut off by Andrew.
"You are Tate McRae yeah I know nice to meet you," he said.
"Nice to meet you too this is Johnny," she said obviously trying to avoid attention.
"Sup," I said.

Tate Pov
We had decided that we were going to meet up at Johnny's house today to do the first major part of the project. We got our podcast and everyone started listening to it, except for Andrew who kept trying to talk to me. I could tell that Johnny was annoyed at him for probably talking a lot. I told Andrew to shut up which he didn't but at least he was now talking to Hayden and not me. I got up to use the restroom. When I came back there were only 10 minutes left of class so I started talking to the boys for about 5 minutes. I was getting my stuff together when I heard someone talking on the school microphone. "TATE MCRAE PLEASE COME TO THE OFFICE," the announcer said. I got up said goodbye to the boys and the teacher then left to the office. I saw my principal and he right away called me to his office he told me to sit so I did.
"Tate I have been told that you are a very busy young lady," he said while looking through papers.
"Yes, I am," I said a bit confused.
"Are you worried about your grades?" The principal said.
"No I think that my grades are good," I said still confused.
"Well I did get an email from your team saying you're going to be busy all next week so I just wanted to let you know that we do excuse attendance but you are still required to turn your assignments in on time. Do you understand?" He said while pulling out a paper that had my name on it.
"Yes, I do understand that I don't expect to be treated differently from any of my classmates sir," I said respectfully.
"Well if you have questions ask me if not you can leave," he said
"Bye sir," I said leaving.
"Wait before you leave I have to congratulate you for your high scores on the test last year," he said.
"Thank you" I sad then left. I headed to 3rd period at the gym so I quickly changed into some shorts and a t-shirt then ran inside with the whole class. I showed the coach my excuse note from the principal. He told me to get next to my class and then we started playing basketball. I wasn't even trying so I just sort of stood there until Johnny had to throw the ball at me so I had to run and shoot I made it in the basket and my team cheered. I saw johnny laughing so I slightly pushed him and told him to not do that again he just laughed and ran after the ball like a dog. When school was over I told Johhny that I was going to stay to watch Tucker practice so he told me bye then went to his car. And I headed to the grass area and then sat down on the benches under the shade My brother came up to me and told me why I was here and I told him I wasn't going to miss his first soccer practice. He laughed then ran back to his friends. They all started playing and I sat there just thinking about my life like usual. I was about to tell Tucker that I was going to leave but Andrew and another boy ran up to me.
"Tate this is Jeremy my friend Jeremy this is Tate my soon to be girlfriend," Andrew said while laughing and winking.
"Nice to meet you Jeremy and no I am not your girlfriend," I said playfully rolling my eyes.
"I said soon to be," Andrew said then he and Jeremy laughed.
"Nice to me you Tate I have heard Andrew talk about you all day long," he said while laughing.
"Yeah uh do you mind taking us a photo," Andrew said while turning red.
"Sure," I said.
I took a few then I gave him back his phone.
"Hey can you give me your private Instagram account," Andrew said.
"How do you know I have another account?" I asked.
"Tucker," he said.
"Sure it's TateMcrae1," I said
"Cool well bye," Jeremy said then they both left. Then Tucker and I called our bodyguards so they picked us up and we left. I went straight upstairs and started looking through my Instagram and saw both Andrew and Jeremy requested to follow me. I accepted and saw Andrew posted an hour ago. I liked it. This was the post.

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