Chapter VII

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"So, who the hell are you two?" Queired the Mist Hashira. "Lord Inosuke Hashibira, the strongest there is!"

"I bet Kamado would clap you in two seconds." She muttered. "And who are you?"

"Z-zenitsu Agatsuma, s-sir."

"I'm a woman." She corrected. "Aren't women supposed to have tits?" "I dunno."

"Ugh. Just don't try anything funny. Now get off your asses and follow me."

2 weeks later

"Tokito-sama! We've been walking for hours without end!" Zenitsu complained. "So?" She shrugged. "Can we just stop for a sec?"

She turned around and faced him. "1. Now move your ass."

"Not fair!"

"Whatever pussycat... Where's boar head?"

"Something about him feeling a strong presence then it disappeared."

"Sigh. Let's go look for him."

With Tanjiro and Tengen

"Hey, Tanjiro. Something's come up." Tengen sighed as his crow perched on his shoulder. "What is it?"

"Something personal. I have to go. It's afternoon-ish so get some food or rest. We can meet up at my place, kay?"

"Whatever," Tanjiro muttered. "Cool." And Tengen disappeared with the wind. Speaking of the wind, a peculiar scent filled his nose. "Boar? And... Mui-."

In an instant, Tanjiro grabbed something and slammed it to the ground. A guy wearing a boar head? "Who are you?" He asked. "*cough* so... Fast."

"Oh, I knocked the wind outta him. That's rough." Tanjiro sighed. And out of the bushes came Muichiro and a blonde-haired boy.

'K-kamado-san!?" She exclaimed. "Hello, Mui-chan! It's so nice to... who the hell is he?" He queried, pointing to Zenitsu with a forced smile. "Okayata dumped these losers on me."

"I assume they haven't tried anything?" He asked, picking up Inosuke from the ground by the scruff of his boar head. "Nah- Oh my god, he attacked you didn't he! I am so sorry!" She frantically apologized.

"It's okay. I didn't hurt him too much." He said, throwing Inosuke to her feet. "What kind of monster is this?" Zenitsu panicked internally.

"So, are you going to keep staring at me or introduce yourself, Blondie?" Tanjiro growled softly. "O-oh. Zenitsu Aga-"

"Too late. I already don't care." He sighed. "Is something the matter, Kamado-san? You're not usually this... Annoyed." Muichiro noticed. "I'm just tired."

"Oh! We were heading to an Inn so maybe you can join us!" She offered. Zenitsu cocked an eyebrow, "We were?" This got him a swift elbow to the gut. "I mean we are! Yeah totally." He sputtered.

"Sounds like a magnificent idea, fair maiden. Just make sure not to get that... Thing close to me." He referred to Inosuke. "Zenitsu, you drag him. Kamado and I will be up to the road." "Chotto mat-"

"Okay bye!"

She ran a little to catch up. "I hate my life."

"So, how have you been Muichiro?" Tanjiro queried. "Happier!" She chirped. "I see... I hope you haven't changed too much. You've seen to have lost your grit." He added. "You think so? Welp. Anyway, I want to thank you for what you said and did a few weeks ago. It really helped. I even made friends!"

"So I've been replaced..." He whimpered. "W-w-what? No no! You'll always have a place in my heart! I'd even say you're my best friend... Though we have barely spoken but still!"

"Mhm... I believe you."

"Okay, what is up with you? You only got like this when bad things happen. You can talk to me y'know." She insisted, pulling on his arm. He redrew it and chided, "I am fine! Just... Tenta... My elder cousin died, okay? And It's like Tengen doesn't even care! Damn it. He always on about how he raised us..." He sighed and kept walking. "You look like you need a friend right now." She cooed. "I need Tengen. I need my brother. He's changed so much."

"I can relate. But anyway, cheer up. I'm sure he just needs time. In the meantime, we can have some fun!" She cheered. "Fun? You? I'm starting to like this." Tanjiro smiled. "Mhm. Ouch. damn it."

Tanjiro looked down to see her bleeding foot. "You've been walking too much," Tanjiro stated. "I'm fiiiiiinneee! Tanjiro put me down!" Tanjiro swooped her off the ground and carried her in his arms. "No, I don't think I will."

"This is so humiliating..." He cried while covering her red face. "No, it's not."

"It is."

"Mhm sure."

Words 719

Posted 7/9/2021

take this cuz I'm tired af

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