Jelly Beans

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"Oi! Stop stealing all the blue ones!" Rip complained as Clarity picked out all the blue Jelly beans from the bowl.

"They're the best ones" Clarity replied her eyes flicking up to meet his.

"Yea, which is why you can't have all of the bloody things. Save some for the rest of us. Mainly me. You know they're my favorite" Rip told her.

"Well you know blue is my favorite" Clarity replied popping yet another blue jelly bean in her mouth.

"Quit it" Rip said grabbing the bowl pulling it towards himself.

Clarity glitched next to him and continued searching for blue ones. She shocked Rip's hand lightly as he tried to grab the one she was going for.

"You little minx" Rip muttered in annoyance.

"You can have all the other colors" Clarity told him.

"I don't want all the other colors. All the other colors suck. I want the blue ones" Rip muttered successfully stealing a blue jellybean.

"Well I want the blue ones and I love blue more than you!" Clarity said.

"Yes, but I like Jelly beans far more than you do"

"Not the blue ones"

"Clarity..." Rip warned grabbing her wrist.

"Rip.." Clarity replied using the same tone grabbing his free hands wrist before he could get the jelly bean.

"You're impossible" Rip told her.

"I know" Clarity smiled. Rip rolled his eyes and pulled her closer to him by her wrist. Rip leaned down and kissed her. Clarity smiled into the kiss kissing back for a moment before pulling away.

"You know Rip distracting me isn't going to work" Clarity told him.

Rip chuckled. "Oh is that what you think I'm doing?"

Clarity nodded.

"Well then let me distract you more" Rip said going in for another kiss. Clarity kissed back a plan forming in her mind. She let go of Rip's wrist all but melting into the kiss her hand traveling up his arm to the back of his neck.

To Clarity's slight annoyance Rip didn't take the bait instead preferring to wrap his arm around her waist pulling her closer to him. She wiggled her wrist that he was still holding trying to free it. He let go of her wrist his arm traveling up to cup her cheek for a split second his thumb gliding across it before his hand slithered around to the back of her head burying itself in her hair. He tilted her headback a bit further to give him better access. Clarity brought her freed hand up to curl her arm around his shoulder. Rip spun them around leaning Clarity against the kitchen table. She hopped up sitting on top of it pulling Rip closer. His hand that had been on her hip now resting on the table slowly sliding towards the bowl of colored candy.

"Guess what?" Rip questioned breaking the kiss still only inches away from her. Clarity blinked her eyes open still a little breathless.

"What?" Clarity breathed.

"I win" Rip murmured placing the blue jelly bean halfway into his mouth holding it in his teeth. His eyebrows moving upwards clearly bragging about one upping Clarity. Clarity grinned that's what she had been waiting for. She searched forwards placing her lips against his biting the jelly bean stealing half of it from the time master. She pulled away with a grin laughing at the look on his face.

"We tied" Clarity corrected.

"Suppose Gideon will have to fix the score then" Rip muttered. Sometimes Clarity was just far too adorable for her own good.

Clarity hummed.

"What?" Rip questioned raising an eyebrow.

"New game" Clarity told him leaning forwards to kiss him once again.

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